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Show fCODNTY HAPPENINGS i ' SUMMIT. Summit, Utah. April 16, 1014 Tho crop here nre looking fine after , , tho gentle ralna of lait waok. s . ' ( ) A number of our ploasurc sookors spent Easter ut Herbert White's j ranch, some went to the canyons auf 4 others for shoit rides and walks. - r, ' tfv Mr. and Mrs. John Dalloy enter- v - taincd the students of the grammar giades. A very pleasant time was -i, had. ! , Mr. Gram of Orderville spent Sun- v- day and Monday with his daughter ' - , Mrs. Chamberlain. It is his intention 3! ' "" to make his home here soon. ' Some of our men aro working for ; Mr. Ernest helping clear some land I V , which is to be planted to corn. ,' j Mr. and Mrs. Riggs are now com- "y? fortably located in their new homo " fyt "on Main Strcqt. ' ,& 5v 1 &v n J0'111 -Beecroft has returned rl . from the Noith, where ho spent some Vs . time on business. v ip, . j Arbor Day was fittingly observed . v hero. Tho school children cleared thf '', , school grounds of rock and brush. T".:'' while somo of the older people Bpont "jv their time at the cemetery, which was ' y very much in need of repairs. |