OCR Text |
Show " I iVillce of Sole Wm$H,r'! 1' l RT OH HIV. I'NITCO STAlfjb s .-n lOKTHKliWrmCTor gfiq M - IK SAJLB UJfDER UK' JjjmllRtfr i "i' i' iohphk fnpfteT in, corprtu mi 1 In ", ftfcv,' i , s M'nlnif t Pimtt i. m Vtni Ant I nl , deleadainn TWii I i i Companr, torporat on. Pmptlt ' '1 vrln Mlntnit ft to.ver vWfe.ii m illon,l 1 defendant. Jnjl' a ili'cree o toretlHfc tiJ f4l flP3it r, ,,a by the DUfrin CnM of ihr U"J0a!SB . f r the DUtrlrt nl Ulh h1d 1 telflnf i i!rolnon lhntll liny of J ilj-. iJli(li' i intitll cnnum, i ha tim lr WWfUd "i h lurpm hjr thtil dc-e, 'U Mb m i i ! vradnc to th hl liedt bhl lir, JWfciltoa i f to fwcoinn due Hd pyrW ftfldtr ,l Hip atr,and t(bjrci to tli rifht jtwMotit if r r1-mptlo, at tiMVontdoornftlie CnrntlUc - l Iron County, In tlia City if t'r Slj Dini n the Mtli lny of May A r ,tWi,t'lp lick,. m tlia (olloifflti(r(lrrlh(1 Sflr 0t r i of irrotmd il otlMir iroimrty de- tfitg) i i 'i.und ($4.00OAXI dollar ir t; lim a it i Imprest coapoiia alueitwl (hereto fliv " Oold Smlnif MIMftir A Por pan i of the daffinitnu tali train. i. tl art ol (he tranamUaDti Mna co. Utittnu i power plant nt MaAqita. Otab, 1th uln ' '.old Spplnr nnd tho cell on the llM A 'ii i cl tlm which (a ui0 the public 'U(fflli I i lie Uiillod Statu ir A" "' V'" wWu luI "ldaf of the MMtei f the Gold Srlttfra Mining pnvrrr C4p i .nctBdltiR the rlfiltt of redemittlon tmiHf ".ntlMlou Mna otdwed tu be aold In Qe .rccodJtfa- rnranratb, Mhl protiort llair .Mribe4lato)loirai All . t each of tboa cartau lode n-lnlnr rt4r' uatad In the State Llrie MIbIm ON-Wftiv ON-Wftiv 1 n County, state of Utnh, located, re-iMlr(t re-iMlr(t nd known under tlic iWerl nam-' Sraadi.ffr foitli.to.wltt The letmle tf4' oiluit Claim; The Ten Mir No. 3 ( ode jpitn-cr'ilm; The jennfa No. l.od MhJnff jpiftni The Jennie Mo. 4 Iide Mlnlnf Clflm: mit finiite No. 6 Ixle Mining Claim: Thi &nicNo.81xJoMlriUiir Cliilm; The Jeiinlr, hlftK l.'nle Mtnlntf Claim t Tho Jennie' No n Uido vitmgr Claims and the Utalillue ld Jllro" ' tntm. K i pt only eertnln Miiface rtbtn upon the eiirfir, of the Mid Jennie Ni R r.o.le Mining jGlai , Jennie o 0 tmlc Mining Claim, and iSe T. mile t ode Miulnf Claim andt the Ipnnle il. ?IodeMlnlflrrialmvlieretMora granted to otW rioiwm, Sl,l pmut) oT mfntu(r cl-lm brine- known collertlwlr aa the "JENNIE" t roup of mlnlof clnlma aiKleaeb ii f tltoaa Certain I.ode Mlntnr riHlmt Klmated In the Hugrle Valley Vtnlnip ll)lti'le4, Lincoln County, State ir Nevada 'i cited, recorded and kaow n under tle rrrt' imtnns herelnaller laet forth. twlt The itUni.-uiTo.tr Mining Clafm; The Tallaman So lAt Mlnlnu Claim Tlie Tallaman "to. I' (n.lMlnlnir lalm; the Aladdin No. 2 Lode Mining Claim; The Cornnropla No. Iodr Mlnlillf Claim; The Moonlight Lode Mining-Clolm; Mining-Clolm; nod The Twltlg-htlide Mining Claim. The Tnllmmti No Sfttul the Mooilllijlit clnlmf c rr Idrrtlcally tlio same ground. The Aliddln No 2nnd the Tlullcht rlnlmn cower l In tirnllv llio-iinc arouad. Said roiliti) of in rn ttii' daliup b, liit' tjiiown collfcllvdly nn the ' r VI lsMA.N" (irotiiiot ralnlnir Clalmi. vJi-ajH Oold at)d tHlvcr Aiituljtiupation tiiTwaal?"' 8,,u''"'11 on "' Jcnnlk, Gtoup of jgjlolmi atiH Including trel Nlsnen i navo gutuPg ypUuc and all oe hlnii, l(rJL0"fT'-,9'fV p'ref5 AmsUanxater arm ivWfSrtr nnclAfilrvand rrpptyntdf ? ihrre- wltlicounrcted i weorecruMilutrs'lnm com- plct(, Vlncl" i' !, nlr contprofr planl, isi'.no orr hol fttfic hoUt caeca, .cot tpreascd nlr plpe11nr niremil air drills ruJrtr car. Itilnrcnr tn. : i and all otlierudder'roiiiul mine equipment mil stiiace ImprovemcntB whatao- exnrnppiuti nint tt or connected with any and all of the m i uluif claims herelnbaforediiacrlbed Aleo 11k ouiplc'te cynulde ceducJoii p1 utt Bltuatvil i ld Jminlc Group ufMlnlsv Claim nsdUii dins cyanide ofutlon unio ore pulp tanks. iIIoh cparatflr lanan, llmn tiwika. fold i- lutlon tinkn. (ln iMrxra r.intrlfnnl 11 at'. -.Iraoi eoirlifr end linller and all other aimet ineryiand uppllancm thritwtth connected 64t t! VVr and Chrmlcil T.n.tuir itorv com plate wlittaaiay furuarm, tuition mtltlnir fiir- uaces aaaky acaie. pulp mairt ind tompletr Chrmleal equipment for Lnlde rrduitlon lft and treatment. Ala Jiie water work us im rounertnl with anlJ ralueaiid mill Inclndlnir atODt i.OoO feet WlllliwjStur piiKJltnr, 2-hornpourrooa;lnr and BU4ipJ'Hir wetrr Morafre tank or cumtdneil &dtS lf60,009 irallona and tho irriieraJ water mtlffaiilkiaf'tjytleni m wild mlnc nrl mil's. iWllfftrrlahlspanotl nun ui.d try the fjpQ0)il SprliiK" Mlutnir tt lViwer CntntMUO nypiiwtWH with lt ald mlii.fc and uil'l i jjm.tjtf local Irlepbone iHteru cotmectiUH flS5MiJmltte tnlne and mllli with iSold WnjSffit4nW described ri.icer lliniiiK MR(MPiu Wtt I.luo UIuIuk Dlalriet. M9Bn,UlJKbF via: Hand Aiut. Grar.tl MiTOtffflKXoewat. niMlalaoxVe following dt 3EtffSH pt(il)ejrty In Uudtua tin-iilte,Iroii WW sv JJlfWWM. J" nortlieaai comer of Block 'lfitiwllua ToKualte Survey, and ruunlng Hijatlii il IS mln W. 845 8 faet to the ' "lP "'' Mttif "" n ct'" 8 Town-Ki&1ft,Spoth.IU))Ce Town-Ki&1ft,Spoth.IU))Ce lVot, Salt lake baae rnfttafajdiaw tUOUW Along tl1 center line vtt?t, a tnll). lttkt, A.ia.4 fret; thence .tt MA Jl Jltn. Kaat, ,!4i leet to tly ifarWrftfUtatau lWro. Loa Aogelaa I'liSjlIt J,Kk Hull road properl j thence nlong ilia prtllda of aaid railroad property. South ill dtf. fain. Want, M.0 feet to tb north mew mm at afraid railroad piopcrtj ; thence North " da, yiwln Weat, 3. feet, to the pluca of tefflur. endoglng au area of three and I il tyftfttr one-tboaeandthe (Vosa'i acre. I rtnrtnWusr eitaatr oil the nld Modeua Town-fa Town-fa property the electrical power ard electrical 'i h eraaUBjrpUuf, the poaeiou of which wa NUwfjgal to bolVMg to the Waetlaghoaaa M ieiHCpnpaajr j roffthat wMb H Imptwremrnti. machinery, 'i.ulttiBei Mid looU (hereon, except each aa si km a4JUfd M balony to the Weatlng- J ViilNijLfbl"'Cohuatr and t JUcb.aif.no i iuj(ipirvlU lt property of eeary natate mid 4fartpfft toge(ht with the haildlnga -ti uuyU';BTittoHi and, oonatrtitnou.. Includ 4 idWmi fixwrar, appli.uc, liipie- " 4B4MltM!ra of every hind and i ri4jrtff$tauH, lyhif "d being la, ou or ut iUi"ald plaula, premieM and property i a doaorlbed, and need, or protklnl for uw ir i qptit tbaoparatlou of ld plante m (1 piop- 'Dad the carrlng on of thr riiilira of dalajlllttpt coni)n raceptli g tin rifi. m Hj MMefclnarr and probarty ha bren tetl tuhetonji to th Wtlngu u Machine MJrad the V. C. Klchmoad .Machinery (MttJ. ttd Including the rig lit of the pur- nc ftf the property dracrlbrd in paragruph i i Jjeteiti. t"purctm the anld pottri plint ir -rtf for Pitteen Thouand iji'.oco un iM- roil llW U'ratlnghouee Mhchuio I .nn n h t aMjAy dayt, and the V. C KlrUmond - IHfry Company property for Twrnty 1 UiMtdred KiiOOOU) doilai ..uli n i. , m tepttuioe lt, 19T, Hfthln fi u Ii i I s he I'ate of thr roiitmua'ion i 'i ed In haldd.'i .ie all power tran.nitKi.iun in h n i i ! "- lliiR connected with wtidi power und I j rtrctrlc light rreatlrtg avutrm, totfither with nlree. tioler, nin1alot mid other equipment therewith cono'tted and thereanto apjierlHln tng, all conalrnctid in connectfcm with fnld power and light crratlng planl and for the dle-tobtitHM dle-tobtitHM (.n 1 tie M wer And light created; 'hihII ir ni.nilMiii n anil r! t-f rll utlag atatlont aud marhincrt iiiLiudmg tranl riBera, eler.tr). motor and ottirr nwchinoi and appliance need In the distributing stMera of iahl power and light creating plant. Alto all electric tight utt c rod owtted by old OoldSprlngii Mining Power Company and C(i In connect Ion with eald ower and electric light producing .iMtin. No bid f6r the propetir and rlgfaude'crlbed In paragraph tl.ue of irea than Tunny-two Thoaaand JM.oao.OO) Dollara wilt be re ctlTed. Cpon the ncceiitnnce of hiiv bid the pttrcbaaer ahall forthwith pay to (he under-IgHed under-IgHed the mm of Twrntv nee Hundred tttMO 00, Dollar i by caeh or certified cheek on Soinci bank or trttet company ct Columbn. Ohio, or Salt I.aUo City, Utah, and made or ettdoreed pajnble to the Order of the nmileialgned.nnd thr balance ahaJIbe paid a the eonrt KhaU nrder upon the confirmation of the anle. So much or the putchar price aa may not be raqnired by the court to be paid In caah mny be paid la caah or by turning over to be en n eel led or credited, aa la provided In antd decree, the bond and coupon of the defendant, Oold Springe Mining ft Power Compear. Dated thla th day of April, ISM. CHARI.US HALDWIN, Master In Chauctiry. ,'Ptrat publication April 10, I9K, la.it pnbllcntton May II. IPH ' eWMM.MeieeeeeMie'eieiiiiiiiMiaMaiMeitieteaaM'iaMe'e' ew Hrrial No. 011563. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. U. B IaxmI Omre, Salt Lake, City, UUh, March 8, 1014. NOTICE is hereby triven ttmt the Rxcefainr Iroi Mininjf Company of Salt I akc Citv, Utah, has mado ap-pllclltion ap-pllclltion to tho United States for a patent for the Walker Iron placer minim claim, situated in the Iron Rprinra Mininp Dtatrirt, Iron County, Coun-ty, Utah, said claim being doscribed by lopal subdii3in of the Public Land Survey, as follows: Lots 2. 4, 11. and 15, Sec. 82, Tp. .TU So, U. 12 W 8. L. M. Th- ;tra applied for is 160.17 acres, there beins? no conflicts. Said rlnlm is of record iu tho ofllce of the Trfunty Hectrrder of Iron Comity, Comi-ty, at Parowan, Utah. . The applicant claims that thoro aro no known lodet or veins upon said tlaim or in any part thoieof. I direct that this notice be published pub-lished for the period of 0 weeks in tho Iron County Record at Cedar pity, Utah, the newspaper published nearest near-est said claim. E D. H. THOMPSON, Register L. II. Gray, claimant's Attornoy. Salt Lake City. Utah.' (First Mar. (V-Last May 1. '14.) STATE LAND NOTICE. United States Land OHlco, Salt Lake City, Utah, Mar. 25, 1914. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby Riven that the State of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands, solocted by the snid state, under section sec-tion G of tho Act of Contrrcss, approved ap-proved July 1(5, 1804, aa Indemnity School lanus, viz: Serial 0123S8. SDH -KWH-Soction 11? nnd-NWJA -SE Section 14, T. 33 South, R. 18 West, S. L. M. Copies of said lists, so far ns thuy telato to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions, lmvo buen conspicuously posted in said'ofllco for inspection by any person interested and by the public generally. DurinR the period of publication of this notice, no-tice, or an time thereafter, and before be-fore Anal approval and certification under depn'tnirntal regulations of April 2f. 1007, protests or contests a'itriit the claim of the State to any of the tracts or subdivisions heielnbe-fore heielnbe-fore described, on the pround that the s.me K more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will he received and noted for report to the Genet al Lairl Office at Washinfr-ton, Washinfr-ton, D. C- F.iilttre so to protewst or contest, within the time specified, will be rortMclered sufficient evldonce of the non-mineral chaiacter of the tracts and the selection thereof bo-inp bo-inp otherwise free from objection, will be approved to the State. E. D. R. THOMPSON. Register. (First Aptil H Last May 1, 1014.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Publisher.; Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 0, 1914, ' NOTICE is hereby pivon that William Wil-liam H. Sawyer, of Cedar City, Utah, who, on May 2, 1008 and Feb. 25, 1914, made H. F,. No. 17111, ((Serial No. 02702) & H. E. Serial, No. 07165, for n of SEi EMi of NE4 8ec. 8, SH of NWi & WH of SW, Section Sec-tion 0, Township 34 South, Range 11 Weft, Salt i.ake Meridian, has. filed noti'ce of intention to moke Final live year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk f the District Court, at Paro-wan, Paro-wan, Utah, on the 9th day of May, 1014. Clai'niAnt names as witnesses: Herbert C.Adams, Lafayette Mz-ConneU, Mz-ConneU, Millard Watson and John A. Ada mi, all of Cedar City, Utah. E. D. R. THOMPSON, Register. Wil!!gmi Houefcen, Cedar City, Utah, Attorne.f Sor claimant. (First April 3 Last May 1.) ' . ' . ' i " ' "i " NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Publisher.) Henarto sent of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 16, J914. NOTICE !s hereby piven that Her-bart Her-bart C. Adav-is, of Cedar City, Utah, who, on Ant. 2, lf7. mads Hoina-stead Hoina-stead entry No. 16774, (Serial No. 02614,) for lots 2, 8 and 4, section 0 Township 3ft south, IUrkj 11 west, Salt Lake meridian, has filed notice of irtention to makc- final five-year P'oof, to establish claim to the land above descfi ibed, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Parowan, Utah, on the, 25th day of April, 1014. ( 'aimant names as witnesses: Lumen Liii?h, Joseph Bryant, Dan-il Dan-il r T 'l in'! Willipm Pendleton, a ,u t ..l I ', L'tjll I PR THOMPSON', Register. WUliani P.ouchen, Cedar City, Utah, Attorney foi clnimnrit (Fiibt M a.- L'D Last April 17.) Till I'U 18. VWH Ki ADVLltTIS. UViCU ,0 i'.:NS l'HAl' RUYUUB atAUOOK-IJNU fc'OIi. "PJlSSiOiL CARDS DR. M. J. ftfACPARLANE PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Olficc in Knell Block. Ofilco hours: 10 to 12 n. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Ofllco phono 40-2. Rosidenco phono C3-Y. D R . R . L E I G II DENTAL SURGEON Former Instructor in College of Dental Surgery, Ann Arbor. Hours by Appointment. Phone Number 18-4. Suite 3, Mercantile Block. ERNEST FLINT GREEN PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Oppohite Sheep Ass'n Storo Otinoaite SIicod Ass'a Store Electrical and Hydraulic ENGINEER ROBERT S. GARDNER. . - Phone 31 Red. CEDAR CITY UTAII in - aaanBHaaaaaBaBaaaaJ GEORGE R. LUND ' Attorncy-at-Law ' Attouds all District Court ses- i ' sions at Parowan, Utah. il ST. GEORGE, - - UTAH. n 1 J Lawyer s W CLARK & WRIGHT Associate Work for Attorneys. Si Public Land Matters: - Final n Proof, Desert Lands, Con- t ' tests and Mininpr Cas- cs. Land Scrip. . j j WASHINGTON D. C. j tfMaaaeaaBMaaaBaMeBBaa'nnBjanna,aeMeaaeeaaaaaMaMeBaannaaanaaBiaBaBaM T)R. F. L. GOWER j Resident , -JM.ntist ,j r a rowan - - - Utah ' T1"? AA fx mm Ybu build v BUILD RIGHT . ' To litilltl Hljrbt Mm inui f si RT RIGHT V To ata't Riirbt. huvo our bill ltllug . pnoi'KiiLY Planned Yot r btiililino; will bo properly pi it i in oil it toil consult Randall L. Jones, Architect and Home Builder. ; SAVE MONKY IN BUILDING, Puy for" hnl ou uret, una (3fc.t w bat on PAY FUIt. I WATCH REPAIRING. ( x 1 S h Al I. WdkK OIVHN K v liGUN SMITHJI k y(ATCHFSJOR SALE 8 0 At nil . I,.,. I'roin 8 X "t " ; , i -.i Q Is h jl CAN SAVE YOl' riONIJY. H k Alex G. Mothuson. fc i v ! mt mmmm i i en i ami i mattm aian m I saw . aM eai WBHiiatHBaaJ. .MWliaaMI1 " r irinninir The Home Meat Markeim Tho fi etliMfet iiijcl put t,i of Prime Menus Beef, Pork and Hutton Our prices me nn low us wo ran male them ini.Montl v, ' sod we glxe full wrlvbi ALWAYS ! : DAYTON JOHNSON, Proprietor ' IMMIkmMUUUWIeiaBMNMSaatAaWMaaaaaaaMJSaSSnHPMaW IT. J. JOSHES, j Gaskets and Basket 1 Trimmings I A fall lint! ol I'usUets and Trim- I n.lngs turned in stock at till fl times. I B Cedar City, Utah I B .. mu m.. --r-mrinnitniTawiiisaiHtJi B |