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Show IRON COUNTY fiECOfib. Wi r 1 . , t , HB Hig;;ot, Oldest and Jleat Nqwspaptr in , ' Southern Ulah. H -" LW ESTABLISHED DECEMBER, ISM H independent hi Politic). l'rpcrosnire lit Policy. H Puohslicd ''.v C'p Southern Utaii Publishing & PrlnHnfr Coi B ; C1IAS. S. WILKIN80N, 'Editor and Mannjrer H I lit. j.ni i ,,.. . H . j Entfiad nt lg Poit Office tit Cedar City ns Second CIm H f I Matter. tflrst-Cltss in all other respects. mi f -- E y A'Jrdss all communications to the Editor, and make H nil remittances payable to The Record. Advertising rates H quoted on request. H ' SUBSCRIPTION J i.so iKR YHiVK. 1 v ' Friday, april 17, 1914. |