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Show - 11 tlOTES Under the new baking rules Issued by the food administration, the substl-, substl-, tute for wheat-flour content of all bread and rolls must amount to 25 per '"f'. cent. The substitute content hereafter required in various products follow: Sweet yeast dough goods, 83 1-3 per cent; crackers, 15 per cent; cookies and ice cream cones, 331-8 per cent; cakes, 83 1-3 per cent ; pies, 33 1-3 per cent; fried cakes, 33 1-3 per cent; pastry, pas-try, 83 1-3 per cent ; batter cakes, waffles, waf-fles, quick breads such as muffins and Boston brown bread, 68 2-3 per cent Under the new rules no public eating eat-ing place may serve more than two ounces of bread and rolls or more than -. four ounces of qulckbread to any one person at any one meal. With customers who buy loaf bread, bakers are urged to promote the use of the threeiuarter pound loaf, following the food administration's request that the 12-ounce loaf be used where the 16-ounce 16-ounce loaf was used before. Bakers are urged to introduce "quick-breads" as a - wheat-saving measure. These quick breads, Including Includ-ing muffins, baking-powder biscuits, corn bread, Boston brown bread, griddle grid-dle cakes, and waffles, must contain - - two-thirds wheat-flour substitutes. The use of the words "milk" or "cream" on wrappers and labels is no longer prohibited, but milk bread must still he sold nt the same price as bread made without milk. 1 The official review of the first year of war Issued by the committee on public pub-lic information contained the following description of the work of American engineers In France: American engineers have gone Into French forests and done the work of the pioneers of our own Northwest. Thev have freouentlv been under fire. One of their first tasks was the recon-. recon-. atruction and extension of a railroad flOO miles long to carry our products from ports of disembarkation to general gen-eral bases of operation. The First Engineers troops, 1.100 strong, arrived In France about three months after war was declared. Since t then the number has been greatly augmented. aug-mented. These troops have been constantly con-stantly engnged in general englneer-Jng englneer-Jng work. Including the construction ot railways, docks, wharves, cantonments, canton-ments, and hospitals. An American army locomotive was built in this country In 21 dtiys and shipped to the Expeditionary Forces. Many other locomotives, cars, logging trains, tracks, disassembled buildings and other equipment have been shipped to augment the output and facilitate thie construction operations of American Ameri-can forces abroad. , The federal trade commission has Issued orders to 98 lumber companies , of the middle West and far West re- j ' quiring them to stop certain trade practices In relation to mall-order lumber lum-ber concerns. Among the practices which nr. harrAff hv th Arripra are the following: ' Obtaining from mall-order concerns, , In bad faith or by subterfuge, estimates esti-mates of the prices of lumber and building material and obtaining catalogues cata-logues and special Information Intended Intend-ed only for bona fide customers and prospective customers. - . I Through actual or threatened with- , drawal of patronage, inducing manu- J facturers or wholesalers to refuse to furnish supplies of lumber and building build-ing material to mall-order concerns. Following or causing salesmen of mail-order concerns to be followed from place to place with the object of j hindering and embarrassing there la j fhelr negotiations with prospective customers. The latest bread allowances In France, placing the ration at abont two-thirds of that heretofore maintained, main-tained, limit maximum consumption, per day, as follows: Children less than three years old, 3V4 ounces. Children from three to thirteen years old. seven ounces, j Persons from thirteen to sixty years L old 10 ounces (hard workers In this f age class may receive 3 ounces more.) Persons over sixty, seven ounces. Parents of soldiers in camps are warned by the war department of a swindle which has been successfully operated In various camps, A teleirram is sent Informing that the soldier has a furlough, and requesting re-questing funds by wire to come home, waiving Identification. The rest Is a .mere mntter of detail. Parents and friends should be wsrn-1 wsrn-1 ed of this game and of the nlmllnr one where the telegraphic request is to mall money to the soldier, care gen- eral delivery. The total amount of foodstuff ship-pod ship-pod during March from the United States and Canada to the allies, ac-1 ac-1 cording to the food administration, was i about 1,1m'i.mM tons, compared with 'i 7r.o,(MMi tons In Fohruary. I Represent ittl ves of the muslcnl-ln- i mnn'ienT Industry have apreed to a j curtailment of tlielr output to 70 per. cent of normal during April and May. Three landing fields have lieen obtained ob-tained for the proposed .Washington-New .Washington-New Yorl:nln:lane potn! service, nt Wn-hliislon, H'lilladelphla. and New York. Aerordini: lo th" t otllee de- i ..prtrl mi-nl, the service will shut not Inter limn May IjV. |