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Show I Iron County Record ' ESTABLISHED DECEMBER, 1893. H Mopeadcnt in Politics ProgrcJTe in Policy 1 " PUBLISHED AT CEDAR CITY, UTAH, EVERY H FRIDAY, BY H CRAS. S. WILKINSON, LESSMS, ' H Editor and PuWtahw. M SUBSCRIPTION $2.01 PER YEAR H lUrcd at the Post Office at Cedar City, Utah, as Second H Class Matter. First Class in all other respects. H AddresB all communications to the editor, and make H remittances payablo to Tho Record. M RATES OF ADVERTISING. H DiHplnjr Spncc to be Used Within One Year Less than 100 inches, per inch 35c. H 100 inches, less thnn 260 inches, per inch 30c. H 250 inches, less than 500 inches, per inch.. ..... 26c. 500 inches or more, per inch -... 20c. For back page position, 5c. per inch additional. H Alt legal notices 10c. per lino each insertion. H Local or rending notices, 10c. per lino for first, and 5c. H per lino for additional insertions. Professional cards ?1.50 per month. H Classified ndvs. Lost, Found, For Salo, EtcZc per H word for first and lc. per word for each prtditional ins. H FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1920. |