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Show DIXIE POWER COMPANY Dividend Notice A dividend of ono dollar (?1.00) per shnro has been declared upon tho Common Stock of tho Dixio Power Company, payable May 1st, 1020, to all stockholders of record at tho close of business April 24. 1920. Transfer books will remain closed from April 21, 1920 to May 1st, 1920. LAFAYETTE HANCIIETT, Adv. Secretary, Thero nro certain bees in every hive of honey bees who stand on their heads and whir their wings thus ventilating ven-tilating tho hive. Wo humnns need somothing like thnt to clarify'1 our issues is-sues in and oub of Congress. I STY J ASH CLOTHES I FOR WOMEN I !i ta-dc:es H AjJavVW WWvE-Sl Why not wear tailor-made H 'wAs0kL Suits, Coats and Skirts? .H v--ffI7l! Order from us and they H m ' : M mill l 111 cosl you 'css l'lan "Rcacty" M .F Mi ji il Wc offer for your selection I I yuJfy P 61 snappy Spring styles, 200 M w mTs. k 6rae materials. m J l l Call and see our samples, I M & M URIE MILLINERY PARLORS I fliH COULD NOT WM ; UP STAIRS! Los Angeles Woman Suffered Six! Years From Rheumatism ' Soon Relieved by Tanlac i "I had rheumatism so bad that life was simply miserable for me, but Tnnlnc has entirely overcome my trouble," snid Mrs. Martha Asbach, of 222C4 Duanc Street, Los Angeles Angel-es California. , "For the past six years I was im Biich a wreched condition I enn hard-, ly understand how I hold out as I did." she continued. "I had rheumatism rheuma-tism pains in my knees so bnd that' it was impossible for mo to stop up or down the stairs, and my hands wero so swollen nnd stiff it was nil I could do to hold tho broom or dishes. dish-es. At night I simply ached all over ' ho bad I could not sleep, and in fact I suffered all the time night and dny.'j I became very nervous and worried i so much over my condition thnt I j became very despondent. "I tried all the medicines I could I hear of but nono of them did mo any good until I got Tanlac. I was overjoyed over-joyed to find that it more than mot my expectations. All signs of rheum- , ntism has left mc and I am back do- ! ing my housework for the first time in scvernl years. My nerves nro as, ' steady an they can bo and I sleep nil I night long nnd never wako up 'till morning. I hnven't felt so fine in years nnd it certainly is a pleasure for mo' to tell everybody about Tanlac." Tanlac is for sale in Cedar City by tho Cedar Drug Co., and in Parowan I by the Parowan Drug Co. II . I, - . . - i i ;, F "Hesaysrmagoodskate" I r W -Chesterfield BrBB A REAL pal that's Chesterfield. Look .,. HHBaJB at its record. Three million smokers j MHB les? than five years on the market! Two' FWHBV - words explain it "They Satisfy." '. ; Jfl fl fl v HhI-HBHft BHHHk. Our expert buyers in the Orient select for Jt MflRjfflM Chesterfields only the finest grade of tho HHHffi&A four choicest varieties of Turkish tobacco. i HEffi To these arc added the best of mild but BEfL full-bodied Domestic leaf. ff f iSgJtlt." But, in the end, it's the blend that makes t, j!M&MBaL Chesterfields "satisfy." And the blend our V jHBHSM-v private formula cannot be copied. I WB S-i Extra wrapper of moisture-proof H. B paper seals in the flavor. H H Hk v Sw , 0s ''' HBBBBVT w vBBBBBBHBBBBBBSB9jBBBBaaBB'BH saw IH ""'1" "V'm m laH Haaaaav aaaaaaaaiBB bb VP r j r iv i r , A rmWicrR :! tWW sBBBBaBBBw BF w V "m. v f Bi K" HiflHiGBSi-M--M-Hfl I 111 H I Chas. J. Webb & Co. I I I Wool Dealers-Commission Merchants I H lIlllllllUIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIilllllllllllllll lnilHIMUI.ltIIHinM1MIIUMUUllMmHIHIIHIlUMUnnillMIUinMHMinilllMIUIMllMIIHIIIMnilHnMIMniMIMIMMW1IIUnMMIHIIUUIIIIIIHIIIUIIIIIHIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIllH1MMllMUm M II H Bfl J H I Call or Wire Us Before I I Disposing of Your Clip I H ll1MUUMIU1llliMmhlllllltUMIIUHIUIimiMUItllNIIIUIIUUUIHIIUillllUWUIWUIUHM(IIUIUI1IIIUUIIIIItNIIUIIIIIItin H i 1 I UBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON -CONSEEiNMENTS I ! BBw BBbI ' I ' MAQ&NT8h. . I .,. I I T T HOUGHKIRK 302-303 ness bld. I n I J i fZ, ??r 7 SALT LAKE CITY I 1 I GEO. F. GISH PHONE WASATCH 4294-1 Bfl Bb NOTICE TO SPRAY NOTICE is hereby given that all , pnrtics having npplo or pear troea upon up-on their property must spray the same with tho following solution: Arsonato of lend 5 lbs (paste) to 1 100 gallons of water; or nrsenato of i lead 2Vi lbs. (powder) to 100 gallons j of water; not inter than 5 days after ! the majority of tho blossoms havo fallen. For control of coddling moth. By onlor of Utah Stnto Crops and Pests Commission. KARL TOPHAM, Inspector for Iron County. First April 0 Last April 23, 1020.) In the beautiful court of ono of California's most famous hotels thero stnnds on a great cement bnso cap- -. i ping tho figure of an Indian leaning slightly forward with his right hand "1 shading his eyes and gazing intently , into s,pacc. Beneath him cut into to solid substance nro theso words. "Whero thero is no vision tho people peo-ple perish." Thoso who havo vision in America today ar crying to tho people: "Thrift' and Savel't . tf. |