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Show BANK REPORT ' 'Made to the Dank Commissioner of the State of Utah, of the Condition) j of "The Bank of Southern Utnji," Located at Cedar City, in the Coun-j Coun-j ty of Iron, State of Utah, at the1 I Close of Business on thch 31st day i of December, 1920. i RESOURCES j Loans nnd Discounts $703,000.51 Overdrafts Unsecured 6,080.72! Stocks nnd other Bonds 77,845.00, .Bnnking House 2,000.00, (Real Estate 5,000.00 Due from Nnfl Banks. 41,831.09 , Checks und Cash itoms . 02.38 ' Gold Coin 400.00' (Silver Coin . Or.G.421 , Currency 4,000.00 Expense Account 2,018.91' TOTAL $848,801.03 t LIABILITIES 'Capital Stock paid in ? 75,000.00 Surplus Fund 70,000.00 ' I j Undivided Profits, Int., etc. 7,270.09 j i Dividends unpaid 27.00 'Individual Deposits 190,401.71 1 Demand Cert's of Deposit. 1,090.92 'Certified Checks 201.50 Cashier's Checks 1,850.10, i Savings Deposits 122,084.14 1 Time Cert's of Deposit 56,105.57 I Bills Rediscounted 147,650.00' Bills Payable 166,000.00 ' TOTAL ,. $8 13,801.03. STATE OF UTAH, ) i County of Iron ) , S, J. Foster, being first duly sworn 'according to law, deposes and says , that he is .Cashier of the nbovo named ' bank; that tho above and foregoing report contnins a full, true and correct statement of the condition of the snid I bank at tho close of business on tho ' 23rd day of March, 1920. S. J. FOSTER, Cashior. Correct Attest: , U. T. JONES, DAVID BULLOCH, THOS. A. THORLEY, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this 31st dny of Mnrch, 1920. E. M. CORRY, Notary-Public. (Seal.) .My commission expires tho 21st day of Jnnunry, 1924. STATE OF UTAH ) Ofllco of Bank Commissioner J I, N. T. Porter, Bank Commissioner of tho Stnto of Utah, do hereby certify cer-tify that tho foregoing is n full, true and correct copy of tho statement of tho nbovo named company, filed in my 1 offico this 2nd day of April, 1920. N. T. PORTER, I Bank Commissioner. |