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Show PEluBATE AND GUAilOIANSKIP NOTICES. for I'nrthar IttfermMMoB Cuiniult Oiniti, Clfk er the Kpctlv Nig-Ben In tlm DlMrtct Court of Hie I'lfili Judicial DUlrlctof tlm Hlntdof Ulnlit In and for Ilia ( oiintr of Iron, rroli.it! DlvUlnti, In llifl mnttrr of tho mtnt and uuKrdlainhlp of Tlielni.i M I'erry and Kx .t. Perrv, nilnory. NOTICi: TO CKKI)lTORt Creditor will irrneiit clohnn with proper Touclmrs In tho nndrrnlv nrd nt Iter rrnldence or throiiifli tlm riialln, nt Cclar Clty.Ultli, on or befor- llecrnitwrSI. ID10. TKMl'KKANCIt K. MACI'AHLANR, f'.iiardlan, Flrt Hept. att-Mt Oct. 28. . In tlio 1)1. trlct Court of tho Klflh Judicial nUtrlctof lha Stato of Htuli: In and for tho County of Iron. I'roltato PlvUlon. In tlm mnttrr o( th i-Htnte of Annabolla M. I'crrr, dcccaned. NOTICI TO CKKDITOJtH. Criilliom will prcxriit cluliim with proprr voucher to either of tho nndenlirued at her or III rrildouca or llirouuii the iiiallt, a) OdnrCltr, (Halt, on or ticforo December 31, TKMl'KHAl'OK K. MACFAtoLANB, CIIAUNCKY MACKAUI.ANB AilnilnUtr.ttrlx nnd ndinlnUtrator. I'trkl Bept. 30- l.am Oct. 38. 1 Notlco for Pitbllcntlon. PubllRhor ) Department- of tho mtdrlor, IT. 8. Laud OIII06 at Suit Litlto City, Utah. Sept 21, liUQ Notlco Ih horoby given that Thomns W. KoiMyth, of l'lnto, Utah, who, on Deo 24, 1000, made Desert Lund lintrv No. dial', Serial No 01210, for Si SWi, Hue 17, Wf NW1, HKtNWi. NV SW J, see. 20, and Sl'U NKi, NIC! SKI of hoc. ID, Township :i(l south, Hango lTi west, Salt r.itko Meridian, lias tiled no tlcoof liitoullon toinuko Klmil Proof, to (NtabllHh flitlni to tho laud above described, before Clerk of tho District Court at Parowuu, Utah, on tho 1st day of November, 1010, Clalumut mum h us v ttuofKes: John II. Tullls and Joseph Thurber of Now Ciistlu, Ut'th, and itolifrt Plait and It. IJ.TuIIIh of l'lnto, Utah K.1). It THOMPSON, Keglstor. First Sept. .K) -Last Oct, 28. Notice for Publication. (Publisher.) Department of tho Interior, U. S. Laud Onico nt Salt Lake City, Utah. Sept. 21, 11)10. Notice Ih hereby given that James V Thornton, of Pluto, Utah, who, on Doc. 20, 1000, Hindu Desert Lund Kntrv No fill I, Serial No. 01228, for Uns. Nfc 1, and NJ SICK NEi SW, SUr NWi, section 8, Township 'Ul south, Hango lft west, Suit LHko Meridian, has Hied no tleoof intention to nmku Final Proof, to Oitublluh ohilm to the land above described, boforo Clerk of tho District t'ourt. nt Parawnn, Utah, on tho lht day of Novumbor, 1010. iliitnmut names us witnesses: John II Tu)ils, of Now Castb, Utah, ltobert Piatt imd Hluhai'd K Tullls of Plutt., Utah, Josephs. Tlhirbor of Nvw Cns tie, Utah. E. D It. THOMPSON, Ueglstor. First Sopt :i0-T.ii't Oct. 2S. Summons. In tho District t onrt of tho Fifth Ju dlouil District, Suite of Utah, County of Iron. Anna M. Sawtol), PlulntllT, vs. Wil-Hum Wil-Hum C, Snwtoll, Dofoudaut SUMMONS Tho state of Utah to tho said dofotul-tint: dofotul-tint: You aro hereby summoned to appear within tweuty ilus after service of this summons upon you, if served within the county lu whtoh this action Is brought; othorwlso within thirty ihiji after service, and defend tho above en titled notion; and in etioof your fullure so to do, judgement will bo rondored agaluc you ueeordlnjj to the domand of thocomphitut, which has boon tiled with tho olork of said court. This action Is brought to recover a judgement dissolving tho bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between you aud the plaintltT and for such further fur-ther relief as prayed for in said complaint. com-plaint. EDMOND II. RYAN, PlulntltT's Attorney. P. O Addresj: Hank Ulook, Cedar City, Utah. First Sept. 30-Last Oct. 23. MMMMMMMMMMMMM.MMMHMMMMMMMMMWMMM J. O. ROJil.SOK, r. J). orrieio9Mi 1, , 4 mill (Lock, oti HVr.VIAl. ATTKrfXION I'AIDTO DINRAHICM Ol" THIS KVK, KAK NOHI9 AND TIIHOAT, ANI TJIK vivriTta or or.AHHnM. Notice for Publication. (IuUlnher. Department of the Interior. U 8. Land Office at Halt Lake City. Utah. Hep 19. 1910. Notice I hereby lTen that Kobert I'latt, of I'lnth-Ulah, who, on April 19 1907. made I)eert Land entry Mo fillfl. Serial No. 017W. for HWM 8KK.HKU8WM, Hec. H, NWU NKW, NEU NWM,i,ec.l7, Townxhlp Vi nontli, Kance 1ft went, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make Float Proof, to etabllih : claim in the land alKiredevcrlbed, before Clerk . of the DIMrlct Court at I'arowan, Utah, on the lilt day of November, 1910 Clalrrant namenait wltneeA; John II Tul-llx Tul-llx of New Cantle, Utah, James W Thornton. . H, K. Tnlllo, II, K. UarrUon, all of Pinto, Utah. E..K.TUOMPrtON, Kei;lter. Flrt Sept. 80-T.ast Oct ?8. Notice for Publication. (l'ublUher.) Departmrnt of tlie Interior, U. H. Land OQIce at Halt Lake City, Utah, Kept 22, I81l. Notice Is hereby ulren that John II. Tullls, of New CaMIe, Utlil, who on March 27. 19UH, , made l)ctt Land entry No. 5iW, Serial No. 0I4H4, for unnurveyed N SUM. N'i HW'U, tec. 17 Township 36 south, Kanue IS west; halt Lake Meridian, has filed notlco o( Intention to maku 1 Final I'roof, to establUh claim to the land aUive descrllbed, before Clerk of tlm DlHrlct I Court at I'arowan, Utah, ou the 1st day of November, Nov-ember, 1810, Claimant names as witnesses: Kobert I'latt aud James W. Thornton of l'lnto, Utah, and Themas W.Forsyth and H. K. Tullls, of New Castle, Utah. , It. I). R. THOMPSON, ' KeRlster. yirst Sept, 30-r.sst Oct. 2S. Notlco for Publication ll'iibllsher.) e Department of th Interior, U. S. Land Office nt Hall Lake City, Utah, ht-pt. oth, I9IU. Notlcn ishcrcliy ulven that AuifUkt Mackel pranif, of Cedar City, Utah, who. on May Ut. I'AiO, made Desert Land Kntrr ft06l. Serial No 0IZJI, forNWU NKU Sccthm U, Townshln 8.1 I Houth, Kanue II West, A. L. Meridian, has (lied notice of Intention to make Final Proof, to establish es-tablish claim In the laud above described, before be-fore the Clerk of the District Court, nt I' a rowan, ro-wan, Utah, ou the 15th day of October. 1910. Claimant uaniesns Mrtlnessen: Evelyn C I I'arry, James C. Parry, Owen Mathenou, nnd Loieiuo Mnthesou, all of Cedar City, Utah. U. D. K. THOMPSON, Kctflster. First Bept. 9-Lat Oct 14. Notice for Publication. (Publisher) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office ut Kail Lake City, Utah, Sept fltli. 1310. Notice Is hereby L'lTen that l(elyu C Parry, of Cedar City, Utah, who, on May 29th, 1900, , made Desert Land Kntrr 60C0, Serial 0408, for NEX BWMt WK 8KM !$ec.33,T.3l S., R. 11 W and Lot 2, Section 4, Township 35 south, ran if e II West, S. I Meridian, has filed notice of intention in-tention to make Final I'roof, to establish claim g to the laud above described, before the Clerk of , the District Court, at Parowau, Utah, ou the 15th day of October, 1810. Claimant names nt witnesses: August Mack-elpranir, Mack-elpranir, James C. Parry, Thomas Corlett. aud William II, Sawyer, nlfof Cedar City. Utah . E. D. K. THOMPSON, , Ueclster. First Sept, 0- Last Oct. 14. Notice for Publication. IPubllsher.l ' Depnrlmont of the Interior, U. 8. Land Offic nt Suit Lske City, Utah, Auir. 2nlh, 1010. v Notlce Is hereby kIvcii that Hlchard It. For- V s.vtli.of Hull I akeClly. Utah, who, 011 Nov. 17th V lUOi, mnda Desert 1 and Entry No. 610";, Sorial No. OliW. forUusurvcyed ai KW Sec 8, and f NKU NUM. Section 17, TowiiMlnp ! south, Kanve I.S West, S. I,. Merldhm, has lllrd notice y of Intention to make Flnul Prmif, to cstabllHh claim to the laud nlnne described, before the V Keif Istvr nnd KeceUerof tho U 8. Laiul Office at Salt Lake C Ity. Utah, on the 7th dav of Oct- p obcr, 1910. Clnlniant namea ns witnesses: N, Donald y Forsyth, Thorns W. Forsyth, John H TulUs. sllof New Cn.lle, Utah; II. K llanlsou of Pin. f to, Utsh; K. Moroni C.IIIIoh, of N.uv Castle, tltnlit and N. T. Porter of Suit Lake Cllv, Utah. K. 1). U. THO.MPaON. t'S1,cr X First Senl. 2 - Last Oct. 7 Application for Patent. t Serial No. 00500. h United Sttites Liiml Olllce, Stilt Luko g City, Utuh, Sept 8th, 1010. fi Notlco is hereby given that C, K. y Pcuk, who-e post olllsu address Is Mo- S dona, Utah, has mttdo nppllcntion for n United Htuloi pntontfor tho SitloWIn g er No. 2 Lotlo Mlnlnj; Claim, sltuiito in X the Stato Line Mining District, County ft of Iron, Stuto of Utah, conslsiln"; of P Uoti.l lineiir feet in length uloiifr nltl X Sltlo Mnder No 2 vein or lodo, and S surfnco ground uot exceeding (100 foot g wide, bolng survey No. OOXI nnd des h crlbcd in the Held notes and plat of tho olllclal survey on lllo in this olllce, g with nmgnetlo variation at 10 degrees B 15 mi auies east, ns follows: Heginning at cornor No. 1, from g which the U, S. Location Monument 8 No 1. boars S. 51 degrees .'10 minutes 13, 2551.0 foot; thonco N. 15 degrees R :i2 minutes B. M02 feet to corner No 2 of said lodo; thence N. 71 degrees o-l K miniito-s V. 380 foot to corner No. :i of g said lode; thonco S. 21 degroos III mln- P utes V HOO.lfoftlo cornor No 4 of g suld hnlo; thence S. 71 degrees (H mln g utes M 000 feet to corner No. 1 of said H lodo, tho place of beginning, contain g lug us described an area of J 5. 7-13 ao res. v Kxcoptlng and oxcludlng thorofrom h however, tho urea in conlllct with Sur. No. 1037, Hig nominxa loilo, I 303 no P res; Sur. No -1W7. lluokoyo loilo, 0 120 h acres. Tho area olalmed and applied for belng'll.2.1 acres. S This ulaliu is located on unsurveved p nubile land, it would bo in T 32S.K. 20 W. of tin.' Stilt Lake B. aud M , If 5 tho prosont survey wore extended. c Said Side Winder No. 2 Lode loca- tlon vlnliu b- lug of rvconl in tho olllce x of tho County Hocorder. of Iron County, c at Purowan, Utah, in Hook "C of Mining Location Notices at pago 105. Tho nearest known locations being c Sur No. 4057, IJig Uouanza and Sur. No. 4057 Uuckoye. x I dlrectthat this notlco b.i published c in tho lrou County Uecortl, at Cedar City, Utah, tho newspaper published z nearest said miniug claim for a pario d c of sixty days. S E. D. R. THOMPSON, Hecister. c B, O. Loath orwootl, Attorney for s. Applicant, 718 Roston Uldg., Salt Lake 1 aty, Utah. First Sepu 10 Last Nov. 11, J A - 1 "" ' ' . - ... ft WspMsVtryiMs I -y CEDAR CITY. f ',-i j - caop. fv : i , . ,5 & A line that will appeal to your ;i, V. good judgment. , r J For men, women and children. lf- ! Winter is coming and now is the 1 ? t - 5 time to prepare for it. We can I '" I fit you out. r - ;; '. I The largest and best line in town. ' f Our grocery stock is full and we y J ;Cf ;: always buy the best. H "The Old Reliable' f : '; r f $ '. - a' , , , -i ' ' r S , V- . A ..? . i 1 .$'. ns Cw v' -? - S e5 ' -s.' I .Of Course It's , . I Simple. m M g A woman told us the other day gs tj that she bought a Majestic Range g i g of us because it was so simple to . fc turn the damper and throw the Eg t . u 4 heat from the oven into the kitchen. S i $'' 4 Well, why not? 8a . I 88 Morethan one woman has caught . r K a severe cold from a chilly winter J g kitchen. Your kitchen probably is I cold in winter too. 1 ' a Why not have a cook stove that ? g will heat or bake, or both, as you m I wish. m g They're here priced right. 5 8k S - Pi A Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet will t make you easy work. ga I heigh Furniture & I ; I Garpet Go. . I ' J I ' s i i m t 4 |