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Show , Utah Scholars At The University Of California Tbe first Utah students under tbe WUIard D. Thompson Memorial Ftiod have oomo to tho University nf H , California. This fund whs provided by tho will of Ibo Into Jennie D. Thompson, of Salt Lake City, Ut'8,h. H. prerklea scholarships to be award- ed 6 'student who muet at least bavo completed four years in a recognized bigb school, and wbo may tbob pursuo their itudios at the University of California. Preference Is given to graduatos students. The administration and award of tbe scholarship is ultimately in tho hands of tbe President and Regents of the j University of Oallfornla. Tho Utah H Committee, which advleoa this H California Coramlttep, oonsists pf Pre'trtdont JJ S. Klugebury, of tfio University of Utah; tbo 'Gbyorner of tho Stato of Utah: tbe President cf the1. Agricultural College, Dr. Wldtsoo. The appointees, must bo MM residents of, though not' necessarily L natives of Utah. Tbo amount avail H ablato eaoh soholar for this year is M alx hundred dollars. The following H etuilents from Utah bavo just boon H appointed, and are entered for H graduate work at Berkeley: Ionian L. Dalnes, A B., Brlgbam Yonjps College, 1008; M. A., Unlrer-H Unlrer-H eityf Utab, 1010, working in do-H do-H partbont of botany. m Ke'ramorz Y Fox, A. B University B of Utah, 100G; working In depart H menfcof eoonomles. k J. W.. Geardoor, A. B., Urlgbam MV - - uirC3bTpen008rVr-"ATrUulv6r .' slty of Utab, 1910; Jnatrnctor in ' Brighttm Young-College; working In H politlonl science. H J. E. Graves, B. B.. Utab Ag 1- H uultural College, 1001; M. S., I University of Illinois, 1908; work- H kinff in Agrioaltural Obomistry. I1 H. Waltora, B. S., Utah Agrw H cultural Oollego, 1909; Assistant Obotrilet Id Utab Agricultural Oollego. |