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Show H rilNCTUAUTY. H There are a uumbor of vory im M portant questions that arlio every H week which aro worthy of dleoua-H dleoua-H " alou through thoBD uolumuu. Aiuodk H tho moat important once 1$ the H queotluu of punctuality, not ouly H at public meotluKS mid busluesH en- H KUKomenta, but also nt our pluooa of H ntnneenient. H The people of our proves H slut llttlu oily aro a trifle, or H Blmll I say vory, niKltu,eut of this ono H thltiK : they aru not punctual euoDKh. H Of ooume, thero aro a few who, when H they titty they will bo thero at n H certain time, are suro to bo prompt H Vhutt aonro of seourlty aud uatls H faction It Ih to hao mi etiKNemeut H with cue ot thoso few on whom you H uau depend upon to bo prompt; to H kuow Hint you will uot bavo to wait a H (juarter. a hall or porhapa n whole H hour to meet them. Bj jif Did you ever notloo that it was tho H employoo who was alwaya ou time or B a littlo before time at hla work who H received promotion? Tho mau who H eees tho Importnuoo of diving his em- BH ployer as much or a little mote of Bfl hla time than le required it tho man H who will win out lu the game of HHbb life. A poreon who li dllilory at every-thloK every-thloK will never bo mu'dlf"1f a suoneee In this world, for be will soon be left far behind those who will be presant and keep In atop with the world's progreca. About the most noticeable lack of pUDotuality,not only on tbe part of our citizens but traveling people as well, is at our amusement halls. An example has been shown this week during the theatrical engagement at tbe Ward Hall. The audience would all be assembled shortly after the titno set for the porformance to oom meuce and would have to wait nlmost an hour for the curtain to rlno. This was not a fault of the pooplo but duo to the management of the company. It might also have been partly duo to the managers of tho Hall. At our danaen tho condition Is worio and Is duo ontlroly to the lax hlbitn of our young people. Tho dnnoos very soldom start bofore 0:30 or 10 o'clock, Juat tho tlmo when thoy should to nlmost ready to oIoho. Tho manogers of the Hall havo beou Intorvlowod concerning this and stato that they havo tho muilclnus ready to play at least an hour oarlier but the yuug pooplo simply will not come out at that tlmo. Thero Is certainly something wrong somowhern that needs to bo righted. |