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Show H POLITICAL. B For weeks past tlio Heoord tins boon H beselgnd with ijiieatlotiH us to why H thero Iihb been no tnantloii mudo of H probftble aundldntoH for oounty olll H eers. The renson fitiob Is tho ohbo Is B beoniiHO of the (not that nothing ro B liablo can to learned, if nno B approHoheB a man who In tho pait B has bad Hsplratlon, or who Is now H holding oilloo, and ask If he Is a ami H dldato, the queatluer Is Invariably H pi't oir with the, remark: "i am In H the banda of my party. If tho room B bors dnslro mo to run for oillco 1 B shall do no. I have no proferonoe 0110 B way or the nthwr, " B Now, It Is Impossible to dish out B reliable political dope undor theoo B conditions, so the Record has kept fl quiet. To satisfy u few of our B readers who aro Insistent that men fl tlon be made of n few of the M probable oandldHtea h llttlu that has B been learned on the stroelo Is m kIvoii. B 80 fur us haa been learned tho B HoolnllntH have not oome out vory M BtronK In the matter of candidates B and the only one mentioned to tho H knowlodKe of tho Record Is Mrs. Hj Durham Tweed le for recorder. Mrs. M Tweed le la certainly quail Hod to B hold the oilloo, but whether or not M she has been approached on the sub- B jeet lu not known. fl The democrats are rather qulot, fl too, only one mau beluK suggested M for olllce, Mr. John Parry for rep. M lesontatlvo to the leidfdnture. It Ib unuorHlood that ho in mentioned bo- BB onuso of tho foot of hla Btroug love B- ' ' tot tho Hrunoh Normal aud Iron Bb County In particular. Mr. Parry was B a representative to tho loglBlnturo 1 several years ngo and did yoemun M service for hla parly. M Ah far tho republicans they aro 1 be(luuli)K to warm up and aovoral M men havo boon mentioned for M polltlonl oilloo. Tho principal ones H urn 10. L. Olark for snuator, ho H boliiK as strotiK n man us tho ro- H publlciuia can produco; Dp, II. W, M hunt 11H roproRontatlvo to tho M leKlslnturo, who Is lenowu to bo aolld H for his county, and for IiIh party. B Tho only other 0110 that him been H brought to tho attention of tho H Ruoord la It. J. llrynut, Jr. it youtiK H man of uteri Inn quulltlos and H thorauKhly qunllllod for tho pohUIou H for wliloli ho haa been mentioned, H that of Oounty superlutoudant of H schunla and county surveyor, tho two H ollloea huvlnn boon combined recently H by tho oommiBRlouers. Ho far as Is H known ho Is the only man In tho xo- H publican ranka that has tho quallil H cation neovtHary to hold Uiobo com H blued ollluos. B That Is tho limit of tho inform H atlon, politically, that haa oome to Bj tho notloo of this oilloo. |