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Show MaUNAWQUS TH1FI4ES. -, Little Annoyances That Can be Easily Corrected. The faqt tba,t a wlfo and motbqr is "fussy" is npt a big ovll, but. it la cortaluly an annoyanao, I hoird a nerroua woman ask, her son four times In oue evening If ho woro biuq ho bad put noal ou tho furqHco nftor dluuor. ThU same worcn'i would nAkil her Invalid hnsbpnd to aeu it ho woro sleeping comfortably. 1 Bouifctluioa woudor lr It nust not eom good to him to Ho reuoofully in Greenwood OeinHtory, whoro thoro lu ao anxious person to pull tho covers over his shoulders or to tell him that hie bead la too low for IiIb health. Tbeio Ib a littlo habit prevalent iq theaters that onusea Irritation to tbo poraou who would bear tho play or opera to tho very lust Bpoeoh cr noto. It Is that which women practice of pluniug ou tholr hats and adjusting their vol's before tho. ,pnr.ta,lu ,falls. lu doing tlila tboy .eh'it otr by tholr rnirod anna tho entire utago from tbe perlou Bitting behind thorn. Wo bavo nil sutured Irpm tbo whla. poring habit n tl(o thoatro. How many times has a part of n play boon spollod. by bo proximity ot tho. por-son por-son who .explains to her neighbor: what "cornea next J" The- muslojover .has., his, .nerves worn to, an pdgo'by t,bo person vrho beats tlmo with baud, foot or bead, or hums., Tho llttlo.thmga tbat nro done in churqh, ,nnd tbat nto, to say the (oast, dleoourtootts, aro legion. Tboiman, who pulls out his -watch aud lookR at It at the, .beginning and end of a serjmqn, and, the woman wbq lifts her dajnty tlraopleoo as tbe minister an-nohnoes an-nohnoes his text,, undi who. .raises It and tcana it again as ha pnds bia. die tMHrwde'Boin'tatleirtbRt ttlwy are guilty of a, rudeneeB and a positive uuklndnoFB tp tbo proa,ober.-r-Now Idea Womqn'B.Mogo.Ino for October. |