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Show I Parowan News Hems, I Parowan, October 25. 1 We hear frequent good words I for the Record since you have 1 the new type and enlarged paper. The Kempton Komedy Ko. left for Panguitch Sunday after' playing a whole week here. F. M. Lyman, Jr., was a guest of Aunt Paulina Lyman the fore part of the week. It is reported that surveying is a being done in the vicinity of Parowan gap, there being a pro- ject on foot for the closing of the gap to form a reservoir into which Little Salt Lake will be I drained, which, together with the thirteen inches of precipitation precipita-tion annually as per statistical reports, and conserving all waste and flood waters in the said reservoir res-ervoir ample moisture will be afforded to irrigate the land in the adjoining valley. It is said a company is being incorporated to manage the project, believing that the lower valley will equal the Parowan valley in every respect. re-spect. Thos. Cason, brother of George Cason of this place, left recently for his home in Florida. Mrs. William Martin and daughter and baby son, returned Monday after some months visit at the Metropolis. Mr. and Mrs Frank Jakeman have returned from Provo and are. making their home in the new cottage on the Barton place. Vym. H. Corry and Henry W. Lunt of Cedar were here last Saturday. Wm. A. Evans is getting out again after a slight illness in the form of .a throat tlroubie contract "1MIMHHBBQ while in Salt Lake -Gity. His WW little daughter Lucile had the If misfortune to get her should- fm er blade dislocated and fractured if while playing at school. She 1 will not be able to attend school ! for some time. Ernest Lowe and Genevieve Ward of this city were married at the residence of the bride's parents yesterday. S. J. Ward officiated, w h " The stork left a girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel I Parker of this place last Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Andy Lamorsaux jr. of Paragoonah were presented I' with a boy the Saturday before. ji John L. Lowder leaves for fi Beaver and the north tomorrow. |