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Show , The place for winter under-' we ar for every nihmber of the ' family CEDAR EQUITABLE '' CO-OP. -A : (p)ne of the Greatest Modern Conven- j tJ 9r -J , . fences of" the -Home ? : A'n ' i Is The Heosi8F ICite'ii Oabinet 1 1, B B-TIIE HOOSIER SPECIAL ' & I - -Saves Miks of Steps for Tired Feet - t i For Reference We TaKe Pleasure in Referring to the Following Sixty-Six Happy Users. Mrs. Robert Thorley " James Parry Wm V Walker ' $ Mary Higbee " James Robb " Chauncy Macfarlane M m AJ,osel)hnFife !! John Bladen Wm. Mendenhall & Mr. Alowis Bauer J. H. Corry " jos T Wilkinson Mrs. Clarence Jones " James Bulloch " AH Rollo W " Samuel T, Leigh " Lon Ahlstrom " F.' W Middleton W tt Daniel Leigh V Jos. Melling Amv Brown NanLunt " Wm. N. Corry ;; Chai Sell Fred Perry Mr. Kumen Leigh " Jessie Ford M. D. Higbee Mrs. Wm. Ford ' Jessie Pollock m it Harry Leigh C.J.Arthur " Alex Pace . W, Emehne Cosslett James Sherratt " Jos Prince W J Tpi1"0,?88!0" !! EHzabeth Macfarlane . Mr. Albert Mathis g Mr. David C. Bulloch Thos. Une Mrs. J. W Imlay Mrs. Eugene Schoppmann " Roy Urie " Stevens f John Proffiitt " R. S. Anderson " J. D. Camnbell " Alfred Froyd ll Emily Dix John Day W Cedars Hotel " Conrad Hunter " Walter Knell W Miss Manie Perry " Beatrice Hunter ' W. H. Hardwood i Mr. John Elliker " Fannie Stubbs J. A. Davinnort m Mrs. R A. Thorley " Jos. Perkins " John L. Jones ffl Thos Thorley Bengt Nelson Miss Mary Piatt ffi LEIGH FURNITURE AND CARPET COMPANY. S i " ' ' ' '" "' " i mm ii. m li hi. i. n .i i. i ...... i - 1 MEN'S OVERCOATS. H If you need an Over- M coafeyou cannot pass the i M Co-o. without losing mon- i M 1 Gy 1 ' I LADIJES' COATS.. I The very latest styles H i and colors and the prices are H g very reasonable. People are H surprised every day when H we tell them the price of our P H g ladies coats, they are so low 3 H NOTHING WORSE than 1 g poor shoes. s 1 NOTHING BETTER than I I g good shoes. 3 H g We arry a line of shoes H H g that hear the name of Quali- I I ty. They are Home Made. . J OLD RELIABLE". -J the fSTSnimSl I I MILLINERY SEASON k ' I 1 f Is w "t its hci-rhth, and it is Hnio I j thnt nil Ladies, whefchor married or single, f ' I I wi ,na,cc a Ptcnse at keeping abreast of I ig the fashions, were making their selection. I i" y showing is ample and complete, and I f I g feel sure that; I can satisfy the most fastid- I i eons. 3. I'M., :- H I 1 U'yu (1 t contemplate purchas- 4; H ; ing a new hat (his season, better bring tlie I j f old one to trim and re-model. J make this I ( a specialty and invite the most thorough M I inspectiont and comparison of my work. H I i 'M. ! 1 !jg Scores of pleased customers for whom W fl !.0 I have done trimming and other work dm- I ; ing the past five years should be sufficient 9 I jp proof of my efficiency. H it M I ! You will find my stock strictly up- i to-date, and my prices as low as is consist- I '' cnt with the grade of goods I carry. Drop f I fin and see me. H I Mrs.C.S.Wilkinson I I THE RECORD, $1.50 A YEAR. I |