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Show v is prac Hilc deaths WjGV I'- Uolo has Hient to lovV8 ls running ramlJPKatcncd a sultan otH" ln th0 TtirldsKjH'1 lcadcr '" th0 vovlnB, omUH T1,lnmn' ,8 ,m-Ala ,m-Ala rccovi. 'Plrc "'ttalncU of The claim "B nam lindl Stry ' (Mm. I'uU mer husband, Lon) against licr for-has for-has ben,8rtUe fM "1)0. for ,000, ,. Jkw,r $5,000, At Purely, My ' of a hotel hot B' M H,,lr ProPrlctor nnd then killed ,n'1 killed hlB wlfo troubles mused M himself. Domestic A combination W t lng Interests on Wot tho boat build. slppl livers, wIlW'o 01ll nnd Mltsls. ' 15 000000 Is lie'B a capitalization .of - AbrL's. uMnR ('rKnnlz'J- Now YcMt, nml'tt, formor mayor of sentathiAln cofor many years rcpro- I 8lBt year,.aJtCP'8'-e8s. is dead, in his PML-. Laura KostciW days' illness. crnor Charles . mother of former Gov. dead, aged 1'1V. Foster of Ohio, is founded Fosto0f years. Her husband Its name. 'a. an'l from him It took Governor TMJI Oklahoma h'ompson n. Ferguson of t foot on the W s set down his olllclal who attend "so of bloomers by girls 't instltutionsl'O Territorial educational A Dill W Missouri l"8 l,epn Introduced in tho whipping ''glsluture establishing a Ub purposti'081 Another bill nas for penalty fif tno abolition of tho 5eatb The orr 'a'Jcr- gns l08tlcln flKurt-"' she 4714 per. houses J their lives, nnd that 33,112 tho reciiierc destroyed as n result ol llUBSlanr1 carthmmkes at Andljan, .f riiTllrlestnn. 51. u marIncT,1,cti tno 'nventor of the sub. who, nHyPcdo l)0it bearing his name, rccentl)(anno,tncel January 12th, was insane confined In an asylum for tho The " Paris ,s "cad. pared agricultural bill has been pro. rlcul'y tno l'U8o committee on og. IC.Ofp"' W carries approximately gMtJp()000, or about caovoo-iiiuns-tnmr- MtcTgurrcnt appropriation. ImSf crown princess of Saxony nnd jftfipplron, with whom she eloped, hao nrfflyetl at Mcntone, France, and in- Mcnti to stay two months. They havo jjljtalten tho name of M. and Mme. Andro JKOcrard. F Two battalions of tho foreign lc-JF lc-JF clon, stationed In Algeria, have been ordered to be In readiness to proceed JF to tho Moroccan frontier. TliO'tryop3 F are being equipped for nctlvo service in the. field. Tho American consul In Algeria, Donnoll Kidder, says tno report clrcu. lated In London that his wlfo was assaulted and robbed by footpads was exaggerated, and tho incident was without Importance. An explosion of n gas main In tho business center of Jollet, Ills., wrecked Zelgort's barber shop and Injured two barbers. Scores of people had narrow escapes; A thrco-story business block nearby ls In a partial stato of collapse. Four-kegs of powder exploded ln a Slav boarding house In Windbor, Pa. Six Slavs who aro believed to bo mortally mor-tally Injured woro seated together In a room, and It ls said that ono of them was endeavoring to dry a quantity of powder. According to a Honolulu dispatch, tho Hawaiian Exhibit association is preparing to ask tho legislature for an appropriation of $50,000 for an exhibit' at the, St. Louis exposition. About $20,000 9)11 bo spent on a building, according ac-cording to present plans, Whllo nttomptlng to arrest n negro desperado, Will Davis, at Pacolot Mills, 8. O., Oniccr Jacob Smith wns shot to death. Davis escaped, but tho entlro community Is' looking for him and a lynching Is feared if ho is caught A plan of S. T. Harensld, a Hun. garlan student at Tiffin, O., to organ, izo his countrymen ln tho United States Into Christian associations, under tho direction of tho Reformed church, was adopted by tho board of homo missions. Tho onjployraont of small girls at , night lu tho Bilk mills of Scrauton, Pa., has boon stoppod. Tho owners ot tho, big mills havo postod notices at the various plants ordering tho email "girls who hnvo boon working at night to report for day duty. Tim JuwycirH for thu anthraclta coal ogoj.ijorH and for tho mine, worknry who' are now In Philadelphia in attejuhincQ on the strlko eommin. Hlon.hjdrnrte d a ,1111 jffiiltlijKjtta ages forjilhlVen to work fn'or'nbout coal mines' ami In mills nnd factories. |