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Show GPURJISPQPENCfi. I j jNqrmal Notes. & Tho nnyslcal culturq alasses aro jjef-tng jjef-tng qulto actlvp in thalr work, : Tho girls hi dQmesUc scloqco arq doll- C ffoqi) wpV-1; b.qthln sqwing-ind fclioUlng. :i j 4'ho bqyB arp b.oglnqjng Jielr Vjrork oqlfhecampusl tijorpgulaf track work begpq Wedqesdpy. Each, mpmbec qf thq geperol hlstpry ulusi;liiis be)in: i)o tl()ed to'alioodo a subject sub-ject for thq final papor. " ' The fecial olacs la bqolf kcopiiig will conunenoo their york as s.qen aa a rooirj can bo arrangod for. Tho Athletic nssoplatlqn gave a flanoo last Satqrday evening. Most of the tudcjitp Jolnod In tho Jollv tlmo'. 'x Va are pleased tq .'see Mlta nulet lack agalni sliq'lias beep absent slnpp the hojldavs on account of Illness. Andy qrogcrocn, one of nur former s.tudpits oqd atliletes has rcjurneq" to take advantagq-'of tha spoolul eours offered. i i . tq chapel this week Mr. I,qwlr. has trial to improas on the students' rqluds what a students' attitude and conduct ahquld bor ' : Frof. A. B,. Ohristlapson of St. Gocfcgc, wlio was tq'glvq a leoturehero Saturday pv'cnlng, rrtll not be Ijtro unr til a week later- Tho students' tlmo was taken up last Friday by Kelt lopyth, who spdko qn having a purpqsq in lifoj and by Fay Harrison who sang v solq. .Tho "hot spoeoij" 1q h,ecqmlng a yery common featurq of tho FcrcnSlq Society So-ciety . Subjects aro written on slips of Ijaper aud put in a'lmt. These slips are drawq from tho hat and members aro oxpopted to speak otomporaneqqsly thereon, ' Every uiembqr of qur Debating society so-ciety gavo an qxtemporaneous hat speech at our last qcssiqn. 1 .' . i. |