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Show j Stateline Samples, Statoline, Utah, Jan. 31st, 1003, Dr. Campbell, of .Plocho, Is building up a good practice. The many friends of Miss Maudo Walker Wal-ker are pleated to see hor on her feet again. AH tho patients In camp are rallying under tho ofilclcnt treatment of Dr. Campbell. A span of work horsos aro reported missing from tho feed yard of Wm. Perry, they could not escape without help. Mrs. E. Stlnaon'8 familiar face Is seen again after a confinement of two or three wocks, Wo hav6 had no announcement announ-cement of what the allrapnt WO, but the whole fumily seems very gocl na tured about something. 4 I Biro. . qub.8,' wlfo of Cfharlep .Johns1 jWfi I oflH died toyiqcnlngqfhe.t failure- - I Wl U&M at t!,olr.iildpi4o new thaVt OphlrV $$?' w I ''IB Thftvemalnswljlbo sont tq-tholr oltf t $ IdfflH Uom? In Michigan for intii'meu't. . h W;' I " fTH Thn womeq of StfttolJAo soqfod oni ' ' I fl Jftst Qupd7 eroning, whoq a half sWrrt , j L I of thptii oallfld on a porU'lp dudilili oh" SVH iMm and mado him rotrast certain filqndeif V.- I iJmW on remarks wadi aboiit fan,' J ' IMmM horso whipping J6s lu 4he p'rtgrp 4 1 MlBi uuttljotqnBuola mad3 him ffeel, so" , ' fiSjm smainjiqMio escaped through a'' tnoi u . '' flPl lqloaafbymago. , hijj ." , t i |