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Show BOY CAU8ES A WRECK. Displayed Wrong Signal and a Collision Collis-ion Resulted. Through tho alleged intcrfcrcnco ot a messonger boy, a wreck was caused on tho Baltimore & Ohio railroad east of Cumberland, Md., in which foui om. ploycs of tho Baltimore & Ohio rail: road woro killed nnd thrco Injured. Tho wreck was duo to the displaying display-ing of n false signal, giving n clear track for castbound passenger train No. 10, when In tho next block ahead there was standing on tho track n en. booso nnd two engines. Tho passenger passen-ger train was drawn by two engines, and theso crashed through tho cabooso and engines which obstructed tho track. It is charged that a messenger boy nnmed Tumor, who was in tho block tower when No. 10 camo along, and, hearing tho engineer's whlstlo for clear tracks, pulled a lover, giving him a clear signal. Tho operator had, It is explained, provlousiy set tho signal at danger. Whllo his attention was being be-ing devoted to communicating with tho block station, tho boy, it is alleged, pulled tho lover that gavo tho onconu ,1ns train tho signal that it had a clear! i n ,,fjn i i 'mVih4iii i J wis not aVarepl what was" aonTjQli3 tho crash camel X J |