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Show PLAGUE AT MAZATLAN. There Have Been 107 Deaths Since January 1. 'incro nave uccn ivi ucams irom the plaguo sluco January 1. Tho deaths on tho 16th numbered seven, and many new cases aro reported. The number of wooden hospitals burned is 100. Two coaches In which plaguo-fitrieken plaguo-fitrieken people sought to cscapo from Ibl city wll bo burnod. "omo sanitary inspectors entered tho houso and took possession of the corpse, and tho young man wns sent to tho department of observation. His wlfo and alater woro absent at tho tlmo of tho inspector's visit and Boon nftorwnrd disappeared, fearing thny would bo taken to tho lazaretto. TIiIh morning ono of tho women wns found dead from tho plaguo, and tho other has not been heard of. Tho young man has become lnsano. |