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Show Dreaming and Doing. "Thoso who dream do not do. Those who do havo no tlmo to dream." Theso pplgrams from a recent ai-tlclo ai-tlclo byr3urjU. Bernhardt apply..not only to tho,nrt students, for whom sho wroto It, but with equal aptness to tho woman ordorlng a homo or tho business girl earning hor livelihood out of the home. "It seems to me," sho continues, "that tho successful ones aro those who novesr think at all about success, but simply work, Thoy lovo art, and "ftipy toll. Thoy make no speeches, never seeK to Impress othors with tho certainty of their own success; nover, in fact, bother tholr heads about othors oth-ors or thooplrilon of others at any timo. Thoyhvork patiently, thoy work year after year; tholr work Improves llttlo by Uttlo, nnd thoy wako somo day surpllsed to find themselves successful." suc-cessful." ' ' |