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Show H 7 '.,- ..' .-': , Hj "GOOD WILL AND GOOD HOPE." B Lesson of Life That Most Impressed PJJH the Late Senator Hoar. B ih tils nutohlogruiihy that good", old man, Sonntor Hoar, who want to his j rrht n fow months ago, said: H "Thn losson which I liavo learned J In life, which Is Impressed on mo J dally, and moro tlconly iib I grow old, Ih tho lesson of Good will and flood lll Hope. I bollovo that to-day Is bettor than yesterday, and that to-morrow will bo bottor than to-day. -I bollovo J ' that. In snlto of ho ninny orrors and wrongs, and oven crimes, my country- mon, of nil druses, deslro what Is good and not what is nvll." H These nro goldon words and thoy ought to bo preserved by ovory man H and womnn who wants to Iteop on the bright sldo of llfo and to got tho most out of tho work. piH Pessimism Is a drain on vitality. It incrcasos toll, makes harder nil of- ,fort. Bo cheerful 1 Do an optimist! Baltimore Hornld. |