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Show H UBE THE FAMOUS H Itx! Cross Hull Illuo. T.nrvo 'i-at. package 5 J cents. Tbo lluss Company, South lJcml, lad. TEA H A money challenge H A money challenge H A money challenge H A money challenge HBHJ four Rrocer returns jour money if you don't J BtoSchllllntt'illf.t. PPJ Many n man thinks ho Is patient PPJ with pntn whon ho is only perverso in PPJ eating pickles. I TEA H Don't touch it at less than H G0c lb; it isn't worth while. H We know the market. U Yoiir grocer returns your money It you don't H Uke Bcb.lllloir'e Tlest. H Cheer Up. H By continued study of the things H that depress nnd tho things that exalt, P ono is nblo to seo tho way to positive- P ness by accumulated strength. Euv B M. Pratt I TEA H We are friend to you and K your grocer; faithful to both. H Bchllllng'a Beat ! a good foot-rule to meuun P H It is easy to bo brave whon you H know tho enemy has only blank cart- H ridges. I TEA M How has so dainty a drink H as tea gone over the world B so far, and made friends so B many? " ' TEA Three quarters of the tea in this country is not very good. The fraction is not too' high. Your itrm-tr returns your money It you don't Uko Bchllllnjf licit. Umbrellas In Abyssinia. Nearly everybody in Abyssinia carries car-ries a Hoblnson Crusoo straw 'umbrella, 'um-brella, which enn not bo closed. TEA What did they do for tea two hundred and fifty years ago! i HOSPITALS CROWDED MM0B1TY Of PATIENTS WOMEM Mrs. Plnliham's Advlco 8atos Many From this Bed and Costly Exporleuco. gMnwf,BMM) It is a sad but U pag"rfta&5jtfrtrne fact that 1 ygt z ' i tlons performed C jrS! i MPon women in &yH u r l10SPltnls. si$v8lw??mnfor $1 'orc thanthrcc- J VWmWftEKl fourths of the i WX'rUaMSmi patients lyinjr flkimii uim m "CP on thoso snow white heds are women nnd girls who nro awaiting or recovering from operations opera-tions made necessary by neglect. Every ono of these patients had plenty of warning in thnt bearing down feeling, pain nt tho left or right of tho womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in tho small of tho back, lcucorrhcea, dizzi- , ness, flatulency displacements of tho 1 womb or irregularities. All of theso j symptoms nre iudlcntlons of nn un- j healthy condition of tho ovaries or j womb, and if not heeded tho troublo k will make headway until the penalty hns to be paid by n dangerous operation, opera-tion, and a lifetime of Impaired usefulness useful-ness at best, while In many cases the results arc fatal. Tho following letter should bring hope to Buffering women Miss Luella Adams, of tho Colonnade Hotel, Seattle, Wash., writes: Dmr Mrs. Pinkhani: " About two yoars apto I was a great sufferer suf-ferer from a sovoro female troublo, pains and headaches. Tbo doctor prescribed for mo and . Anally told mo that I and a tumor on tho womb nnd must undergo nn operation if I wanted to get well. I felt that this was ray death warrant, but I npont hundreds of dollars dol-lars for medical help, but the tumor kept growing, Fortunately I corresponded with an aunt in tho Now England States, mid she advised mo to tako Lydla E. I'lnkhnm's Veg- '- ctablo Compound, as it uos xaid to euro tu- I mors. I did so and immediately began to I imprpvo in health, and I was entirely cured, I tho tumor disappearing ontlroly, without an 1 operation. I wish ovory suffering womnn I would try this great preparation." f Just as surely as Miss Adams was "' curctl of tho troubles enumerated iu ' her letter, just so surely will Lydla E. ' Pinkhnm's Vogetablo Compound euro ovory woman in the lnud who suffers , from womb troubles, inflammation of tho ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous j excitability nnd nervous prostration. ul Mrs. Pinkhnrn invites nil young J women who are ill to write her for free J ftiCut Your Work W m Atkins Saws cut Jv )?50? not onty wood, iron B 'Jl XSr1 and other mrhriah 4B I S. be"er than any "jjj X?L S. otncr ut they cut H That is because they H ( are made of the best steel H in the world by men that H know how. Atlclni Sw, Com Knlrei, Perfection Floor ' Scrapert, etc , are ioU bjr all good hardware A dealcri. Catalof ue on rcquctt. t W E. C. ATIilNS CD. CO. Inc. M Larjeit Sav Manufacturer! In the World 9 Factory and Executive Ofllcea, Indjinipolla fit Branches New York, Chicago, Minneapolis ' M, Portland (Oreion), Seattle, ban Franclico Vi Memphli, Atlanta and Toronto (Canada) 71 I Accept no ubtlitute Insltton ths Atkins Brand fk QSOU) DY GOOD DEALERS rMRYWtPEnfl jl . Reliable Information We will give One Dollar for a Postal Card givini the first reliable news of fc W a chance to sell a horizontal steam I m engine of our styles, within our range I of sizes. We do not want inquiries at W this time for vertical, traction or gas U 9 engines. M..aiW ATXAS Jl ENGINES AND BOILERS M years fctn the standard for ill (team .WH planti. Beat of naterlat and workmanahlp. aVBflSBIH Our big output enable us to aell on small prof- aBHHHfffl Iti. An Altai, the best u the world, costs do iBSBBSSl more than the other kind. . HBBBB89Ba Writs today for oar ipectal oltr. " - Vfl9fl9B ATLAS ENGINE WORKS IH StUlsiaoncl.ilnallcitUi INDIANAPOLIS 8 afffHlHlJ CorlluEnilnti TIlhBr.dEn,!nn WaterTuUDoll.nl "r rouiYalTtEstlnM Couipoupd Entln.t TirtularltotLri H 'lr'fi, AutaaaUoEnjlnM Throttllni linln.. forUtilaUoll.rf W 1 1 ' W Itlu Zntln.i In larrlce S,000,000 M. P. I j ft AUu DolUri In Mrrin ,0W,WX) II. r. p aft . ' tl f UTAH BlMMNG-MrGCOjy-Z ( I COTTON fELT Y . J. V, MATTRESS. & , h- TbUtitbeMaltreti you readnbout. Mado In fit JJ dUTerent grades. Trices from SdVU lo IIS.U) Ait: Jl your furniture dealer for It, If genuine, our lrade Tgf Murk li on the tag, Of Utah Bedding & Manufacturing Co. 8 salt Lak. OitY. Utah K When Answering Advertisements) I Kindly Mention This Faper. J - I r |