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Show Work as a Remedy for Nervousness. Work nlono does not unnervo us. Overwork seldom does permanent harm tho damage is dono by worry rthat arch enemy of peace and happiness. hap-piness. 1 ) , J "It hna been proven ovor and over again," says Dr. H. J. Hall, "that honest hon-est manual work, oven of tho com mon, everyday sort, has In It tho pow or to drlvo away worry. Tho worn nn who works with hor hnnds at housework, day after day, may not np preclnto tho blessings of her hnrd task, but the blessing is there, nnd tho averago jof 'nerves' is far lowej among tho workers of this typo than aiming thoso who plan and think and h&o tho social burden to bear. If the lady whose tlmo Is full of social engagements, en-gagements, nnd who is distressed ovei tho servant question, would sometime go into tho kitchen nnd cook, would got down on her knees nnd scrub, she might thereupon taste tho joys of th slmplo life, nnd she might bo sur prised to find how soon, under tho bo nign inilucnco of work, tho problem of llfo would grow less complicated An hour of work each day, good hard work that clears tho brain nnd lenvet no room for worry, mny prove a Baying Bay-ing of tirno and of Btrongth for th woman of affairs, for it will break the monotony of tho Intellectual strait and mako llfo brighter and easier ic ovory way." |