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Show SMALL BEGINNINGS OK FIRE9. Unconsidered Trifles Frequently Cause Heavy Loss. Dust Is a wonderful producor of fires. Thoro havo boon instances In postofnees where tho dust of tho mall bags suspended In tho rear of n close room exploded with torrltlc force. Dust oxploslons nro of frequont occurronco In flour nnd drug mills. Tho origin of many Arcs In tailor shops may bo tracod to tho so-called dry cleaning of clothes. A rag dipped in naphtha is frequently used In removing greaso spots from garments. Tho rag soaked with inflnmmablo fluid Is thrown upon tho floor. When tho shop Is closed up and tho air Is confined, the naphtha-soaked material will of Itself genornto flro. Bales of cotton placed In tho hold of n ship aro often tho causo of disastrous fires. Frequently Fre-quently a spark from a cigar finds a resting place In a cohon halo, whoro It smoulders for weeks. Tho dark hall in tenement houses is tho indirect orlglnntor of fires. Greasy matting or small heaps of paper lie about. A match not extinguished or a cigarotto stub is thrown down and a blazo results. re-sults. Piro nnd Water. |