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Show Kxnmlnations. Dining the fifth and tenth weeks oral and written reviews wcro held with But-Isfactory But-Isfactory results. In 'Ihcology repctilors were .appointed, and each pnpilgittn an opport unity to answer all tho proposition Spa cimens of penmanship, composition exerciees, maps, samples of ntpdlo work otc aroBiibmitted for your careful ixam- mition. SiMiclficationsof standing furnish nl each pupil are also subject to your inspection. The class uxercises of today have been conducted without special prt'puration, not for tho purpose of mat ing n grand disnlpy, but to show the manner of conducting classes and give a falr,nli(jwing of tho pupils progress. Tlio teachers have ever kept in viowtbe imparting of sucb instructions as will best quality tho sons and daughters o 'Jon for tho humble positions and avoc- tlons thoy miistnocesaarily occupy ana pursuo in lifo. Punctuality and Attendance Sevoral punlls havo been vory irrog-ular irrog-ular In attendancojdurlng tho team, con sequontly their progres-i Is very much retarded. Though considered dishonorable dishonor-able of pupils to discontinue attendanco during review week, yet sevoral havo dono so claiming that their (services wore roqulred at homo. Parents who understand under-stand tho beneficial results of punctual and regular iittendahco and frequent rev lows would certainly not thus deprive their children of these golden opportiin lllcs.'ln aforrnor report it was suggested that a committeo on tardiness and irregular ir-regular attendanco.bo appointed to consult con-sult pupils and parents when necessary and glvo such instructions as would bo of mutual beolfiU Such a committeo, no doubt, would bo a great aid to all parties concernod. Thu majority of pupils nro to bo commended howover lor punctual ity, attendrnco and a willingness to take part. In tho examination. Conclusion, Aspirit of union, and willingno? on tho part of tho pupils to take part in all tho oxorciscs, to'iiPHlHtund.u; port the tcac.li era In their duties and to sustain the renters, ren-ters, monitors and Janitors "aro character etics hlglycomuiendablo. Tho toachors lmvo unitedly labored foi tholntorost of all parties concerned. And with the continued support and unltod otrorts of parents, pupils, toacheas, and oulcprs, and nbovo nil, the approbation and supiorti'of Isroals God. to Whom all honor and glory is ascaibed, tlio ol-ovating ol-ovating and refining infliiencenj.o( the Academy will ever mark ita progress on ward nnd upward. Vory respoctfuily, Your Bro. in tho ('expel, Mayhew II. Dalley Principal. |