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Show DEAUTIFUL WEST INDIES WOMEN. Qorgsona Draft nnd Ornoorut CarrUf of Ik UalMlreada. The half-breeds uf the West Indies are called tbe finest mixed race of tho Antilles. An-tilles. Tall, tupplo, straight as pal mi, these colored women and men Imprest, one by tbelr dignity of carriago and. easy motion. They talk without twinging twing-ing tbe ahouldertj tbe perfectly tot torto-teems torto-teems to remain rigid, yot'tbo ttep Is a. full stride, and tbe wholo weight If polled iprlnglly ou the very tip ot the- m bnro foot. All, or nearly all, nro with- out tboet, and tbe patting of hundreds- m of naktd fett makes a great whispering; M sound over the navemautt. B But what producei tbo most novol Im- BV pretsion on the ttranger It tho tlngularl- 'BV ty and brilliancy ot the women's cost- !KV umet. Tbey wero developed at least a. BBT hundred years ago by a curious suruptu- BBJ ary law regulating tbe dress ot sluve BB) A IIALF-11IIRBD WOMAN. and colored people ot free condition, a law which allowod considerable liberty at to material and tint, prescribing only-form. only-form. Tbo coiffure especially Is striking. strik-ing. It It only nn immense Mnilras-bandkercblef, Mnilras-bandkercblef, which it folded about the bead with admirable art, Uko a turban,, ono bright end, pushed through at tbe top lu trout, being left sticking up llk a plume. Then this turban, always full of bright canary color, is fattened with great, goldan or silver brooches, one lu front and one on cither tide. Tbo remainder of the drett it in embroidered low-cut chemise with sleeves; n tklrt or Jupe- f quite tbort In front and very long behind, be-hind, but caught up and fastened la ,' front below tbo breasts so as to bring- J tbe hem everywhere to a level with tbi' ' end of tho long chemise; und finally a - silken kerchief thrown over the shouldr jf en. 1 A WOMAN OK HANK. Thcss kerchieft, howevpr, aro bright ilk crimson, brlgbt yellow.brlght blue.brigbt BB green, lilac, violet, rose, sometimes JBL mingled together In plaldlnpj, or check- BBB crlngs; or strlplngs, black with orange, jBBBB sky-blue with purple. To this display ABBBfl add tho effect ot costly nnd curious mBBBB jewolry, Immonte cnrrlngt.cnch pendant BBBBB being fovned ot five gold cylinders BBBBB Joined together, tbe cylinders sometimes VBBBBl two inches long aud ono Inch at loaal in IBBBBj circumference. WBVBI |