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Show Illiln't Hotli.r II I in. VBVBB When Sam Jones wns preaching In a IBVaH westorn town some time ngoho was an- BBBj noyed by a young man who wns wills- af JBVtVai pcrlng to hit girl. Finally tho preacher I WH could stand tbe Interruption no longer, j iBVal so bo looked straight at tho young man BVJ and said: "I will psuso until tbo young 4 BB man in tbo back of tho room gets n Bjf through talking." 1 V The silence was Intenso.nnd evory eve was on the young man, who was still whispering to hit girl. Ho had been so t busy that ho bad not caught tbu preach- 1 W eKs censure. Mr. Jonet repented his re- r mark, nud this llmo tho young man I ncard him. Not nn Instant did bo I hwitato. but ho Immediately tried to 1 tquaro himself. Wlillo 'every one wat jjk watching him, he looked equnrely at ff tbe preacher aud snld: "Qo right m B ahead, Mr. Jouct; you aro not bolberloir X Be me." " Tf' WT |