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Show ESTABLISHED 1664 ONE PRICE..TO ALL NEVERDcRsolq MANY SPECIAL PRICES OX FINE WASH FABRICS EACH AN EXAMPLE OF RARE BARGAIN GIVING. With the approach of the hot summer days, the demand for' Wash. Goods multiplies. Our Wash Goods Department is richly equipped to pleasingly and economically satisfy your every Wash Goods want. Inspect our stocks and you'll be agreeably surprised at the beauty of the fabrics and the extreme ex-treme fairness of our prices. These for this week are vivid illustrations :. A 32-inch wide Blouse, Dres and Duster Linen, in the na.ura! . linen color and pure flax, worth 30c, this week, per yard 'jo,- Printed and Satin Striped Chiffonettes. one of the season's choicest offerings in wash fabrics, stunning styles, well worth 50c, this week, per yard )c Wash Foulards, highly merceri7ed, look like silk, in eiiher black grounds with white designs or white grounds with black figures, also navy and cream grounds, in the newest patterns: they are the proper thing this season; worth G0c, this week, per yard : 44c Butchers' Linens, 36-irches wide, plain colors, all the ratje in fashion" centers, for Russian and Golf Suits, value Toe, this week, per yard Imported Grenadines, fully mercerized, a beautiful transparent dress fabric, black and white and black and lavender predominating, predom-inating, value 75c, this week, per yard 4&. k 1 OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT Men's Neckwear in the narrow four-in-hand, the bat ends and the new panel shapes, 75c and 81.00 values, at ;i0o Women's Neckwear. Shirtwaist Sets, including stock, belt and cuffs, at per set : $1 .00 Other stocks in different styles and shapeg at special price of 50c and 75o We still have a few 11.50 shirts left at our popular price cf $1.00 t MONUMENTS -Am TOMBSTONES, j t ' iCALl OR WRI TE. j '; 1 139 W. Vint SouttSalt Late Citf s ; " I |