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Show EVERY CATHOLIC f in this diocese can now buy the Douay f bible on eaey payments. Some of the world's greatest biblical scholars refute objections of modern Boientism and f ratioDalism. Send postal card and work will be sent for inspection. Ad- I dres9 H. D. Jacobs, t. INTERMOUNTAIN CATHOLIC OFFICE, I 219 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. tf ?"0XXXXXXXXXXCXXXXX)OOOOCo I CUNNINGTON & Cq1 V WHOLESALE AND RETAIL X HARDWARE AND GROCERjPfi ft O Jtg) UUJVAtN STREET g jj "li jj Q MINERS3 SUPPLIES Pi all kinds. X X MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. Y O SAMUEL II . II ILL, Superintendent X 2xxxxxxxxxo(xxooocoooox9 'rWhat is Worth DojngjsJWorthoing Well." 1 A Good Motto Ono wo try to Ilv up to. J GOOD PRINTING j I GOOD BLANK BOOK MAKING j That's the kind w do, and w would like to do some for you. Prompt and careful attention paid to orders by mail. ) . THE c F. W. GARDINER CO. 113 SOUTH WEST TEMPLE STREET. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH J 3 J. S. BRANSFORD, Pres. P. J. HUD DART, Manager. I $ 0 ; I Salt Lake-Hutldart Floral Co, tit imimimmj T-""w''' "" ---- m SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ! I No. 8 Main Street. No. 214 East Second South Street 1 i ' 1 t LARGEST GREENHOUSES IN THE WEST, i : t Twelfth South and State Streets. I J -334343-133 334 333343 33 I Bilil Good to the Last Bite l k t'-rl Aptly describes the tender. Juicy, fire flavor! I tfiO'f KPv" lr!oIa steaks we furnish. Lots of other ooJ fjr Lm'jS' "V ' th'.Lgrs la the meat line, too roasts of beef, I if 1 fk lamb and mutton; turkeys, chickens, game; I Jf I m ''''' v. nan. fresh and cured, etc.. etc. Those who t Jf J know speak well of our meau. You will if you ' SiV'f I try them. i I 1 f " fjTtX f---. ' J TELEPHONES Ly S"' Office. 134. Order Department 163. j JJjPgyS Order Department. 98. Vara, 201. ) PALACE MEAT MARKET. ! I COPVWGrrn -'' 26W63 SOUTH MAIN STREET. I THOS. J. NIPPER. Proprietor. J " MlW' IS I E (5n W. B 9 111 Pi OFFERINGS OF RARE VALUES IN IMPRES- & SIVE APPAREL. s yF:" 'Whether busiDesa men, pn- -J,:t 'Ji fessional men or working men, : T t T" a are outspoken in praise of our h 'r tjfc-V" Spring and Summer oerinzs. j; , J'M haV! Carn-d the enV'4ble I 'AlW 4 ' reputation of outfitting the best i: ( 'i"f$&S& ' J eroomed men of Salt Lake, and li - ftSlV?' Butte City, Montana. I C J i .This hard earned goal was at- ' I' fi tained by continuously offering ' V' f' apparel of maximum qualities at VV4 VUsaX minimum prices, v! li ' Our mammoth showing of swell Jm47'Wv rl Spring and Summer wearables jj HfpJI X J',J has never been equalled in this ' Y4-4 vicinity and the assortment of il pix! '4 ft styles and sizes is most complete &nd the price3 are on a par wlih I W I- the usual low "union" standards. fe W, f i ifiiciisi 'JIk 6-63'65 m st" SaIi ub 4,r . co:;sci and Butte City, Most, j |