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Show WRATHY ORANGEMEN. Our old friends, the Orangemen, have trotted our the white horse and donned their war paint once more. They have been holding meetings in England and the North of Ireland to protest against the King's visit to the Pope and have been giving utterance utter-ance to treasonable expressions by way of relieving their feelings. Liverpool Liv-erpool papers give an account of an indignation meeting held by the Orangemen of that city to protest against the King's visit, of which the grand chaplain of the order said that the moment the King went to visit the pope he violated his own oath of office and thereby forfeited his right to occupy oc-cupy the throne of England. Orangemen pretend to be ultra-loyal ultra-loyal to the British crown but they have some peculiar ways of showing their loyalty. "When the late Queea ascended, the throne the Orangemen tried to foment a revolution to put the Duke of Cumberland, a member of the Orange order - in her place. Orangemen stoned Lord Elglu, GoYfrnor General of Canada, on the streets of Montreal. Wheu the King, then Prince of Wales, visited visit-ed Canada in 1860 the Orangemen tried to run things, but acting on orders or-ders from home, he refused to enter any town or city where an Orange emblem was displayed. Orangemen 'have never forgiven him this snub and are now trying to work up an agitation agita-tion by way of getting even. It will be remembered that when the Episcopal Episco-pal church was disestablished in Ireland Ire-land In 1868 a chaplain of the order, Rev. "Flaming" Flanigan, declared that if the Queen dared to sign tne bill the Orangemen "would kick the Queen's crown into the Boyne." It is needless to say that no attempts at-tempts have ever been made to carry these threats Into execution. Freedom of speech is assured to all in England but the minute an overt act is committed com-mitted the ferocious penal code gets in its work with a degree of speed and effectiveness unknown in this country. An Orangeman is always a coward, and he never forgets the terrible simplicity sim-plicity of the law of the realm which says in the fewest possible words "whoever is found guilty of high treason trea-son shall suffer death as a felon." |