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Show .iCfte Ealesf Jrisb.':! Hews. "With Compliments, Directory United Irish League, 39 Upper O'Connell Street, Dublin. John E. Redmond, M. P., President. 7th June, 1902. Coercion the Order of the Day Mr. Wyndham's Land Bill Repudiated Elections in Kerry. Dublin. June 13, 1902. ' At Macroom sessions, before Judge ! Bird, an appeal was heard from the decision of the magistrates at Mill-street Mill-street on May 19 sentencing Matthew-Fitzgerald Matthew-Fitzgerald and P. J. Rahilly, members of the Millstreet district council, to two and three months' hard labor respectively, re-spectively, cn a charge of compelling John O'Connor not to occupy an evicted evict-ed farm of land, and to induce traders not to take part in any dealing with those who have taken the evicted farms. Judge Bird confirmed both decisions, de-cisions, saying that if the magistrates below- had imposed a heavier sentence in Rahilly's case he would not have altered it. IMPORTANTRESOLUTION. London, Tuesday, June 10. A meeting of the Irish party was held in committee room 16 today. Mr. John Redmond presided. The following resolution was unanimously unani-mously passed: "That the impudent suggestion of Mr. Wyndham that the Irish land bill should be treated as an uncontroversial measure, and not discussed in committee commit-tee of the whole house, discloses his incapacity to grasp the serious character char-acter of the Irish land problem and his cynical indifference to the wrongs and sufferings of the Irish peasantry; that we denounce the introduction of this land bill as a transparent sham, and that the bill, itself, as it stands, is worthless where it is not mischievous; and we declare that the action of the government in relation to this bill is another proof to the people of Ireland that their only chance of obtaining i real settlement of the land question lies in maintaining an agitation of such a character as will compel the government govern-ment to take a serious view of the situation." An important meeting of the party is called for 12:30 next Tuesday. Abbeyfeale, 11th June.. A coercion court, composed of Removables Re-movables Kelly and Brady, was held here today to investigate charges against five prominent Nationalists, namely, David Sheehan, Denis Murphy Mur-phy and David Lenihan of Mount Collins, Col-lins, and Cornelius Mahony and John Mahony of Tournafulla. for unlawful assembly at Seconglass on May 11, and intimidating a resident landlord named "William O'C. Cahill, and a tenant, Mortimer Mor-timer Donohoe. A large force of police po-lice was present under D. I. Cusack, Rathkeale. A number of prominent Nationalists from all the adjoining districts dis-tricts were also present. Father Reeves, P. P., and Father Ambrose, C. C, were present in court. Mr. Brady summarized the evidence. Denis Murphy, John and Cornelius Mahony Ma-hony were each sentenced to one month hard labor. Lenehan's case was withr drawn. That against David Sheehah, he said, was more serious, and the accused ac-cused was sentenced to two months' hard labor, and afterwards bound to the peace for twelve months, or, in default, four months' hard labor. The magistmtes declined to increase the ( short penalties with a view to appeal. Mr. bheehan appealed. The prisoners were conveyed by escort es-cort to Tralee jail. ELECTIONS IN COUNTY KERRY. COMPLETE ROUT . OF UNIONISM. Tralee, June 7. The defeat of Mr. Crosbie, D. L., the sitting Unionist member for the Bally-helgue Bally-helgue division, marks the complete rout of Unionism from the constitution of the Kerry county council. In Glen-behy Glen-behy and in Ballyheigue the issue was, of course, never in doubt. In both those divisions the Unionist candidate i got elected three years ago, owing to dissension amongst the Nationalists, there being no less than three Nationalist Nation-alist candidates in each division. ' On the present, occasion the Nationalists, selected their candidates. at United Irish League conventions, and carried them to victory at the polls. The result re-sult of the Glenbehy division was declared de-clared yesterday, which resulted in the return of Messrs. Harty and Fleming. (U. I. L.) The good work was still continued when Lord Ventry, (Unionist) was defeated de-feated by Mr. O'Flaherty (Nationalist) for the chair of the Dingle district council This election marks the complete com-plete rout of Unionism and landlord-Ism landlord-Ism from the Kerry county council, which is now entirely-, composed of sterling Nationalists. A.resolution was unanimously adopted "reiterating the demand for the inalienable right of the Irish people to self-government. GREAT ELECTORAl";TRIUMPHS IN CO. GALWAY.," ' Gal way, June 7. For the last few- days the' results of the Co Galway county council contests con-tests and rural districts contests in ' Tuara Union have been : declared. In1 most cases there have-been sweeping majorities for the United Irish League candidates, particularly in. the" Ahas-cragh Ahas-cragh and Headford county council districts. dis-tricts. -. , . --''-. ', In the rural districts of the whole Tuam Union the United Irish League candidates have won in the thirty-three districts, excepting two Dunmore and Kilshanvey (Kilconly parish).'' -The greatest triumph in the whole Tiiam Union was that in the Ballinderry (Corofin parish) district, where a bailiff of Colonel Nolan, M. P., named Han-ley, Han-ley, was up against the two league candidates. Notwithstanding, most favorable fa-vorable circumstances and landlord, etc., influence for Hanley, he was left at the bottom of the poll. Mr. Thomas Hughes, Corofin, secretary U. I. L., heading the poll, with Mr. Peter Ryan a good second. This will be welcome news to the seaweed rack-rented tenants ten-ants of Mweenish Island, Corna, and to their able and devoted pastor, Fa ther McIIugh. CONGRATULATING A COLLEAGUE. The announcement on the 6th inst. that Mr. Murphy, M. P., had been victorious vic-torious in his candidature for the Kerry-county Kerry-county council against Mr. Leonard, Lord Kenmare's agent, was received with satisfaction by his colleagues in the Irish party. Several congratulatory congratula-tory messages were dispatched to Mr. Murphy from the house of commons. The victory is a Knock-down blow to the Kerry shoneens. MR, CONOR O'KELLY, M. P., AND THE CASTLEBAR PRISONERS. HE OUTWITS THE LORD : CHANCELLOR CHAN-CELLOR AND EXERCISES HIS RIGHT AS A MAGISTRATE. - ' Castlebar, 9th June. Immediately after re-election as chairman of the county council, Mr. Conor O'Kclly, M. P., visited Messrs. Morley and. Lyons in Castlebar jail, where they are at present undergoing sentence of three months' imprisonment imprison-ment with hard labor, in connection with the Greenwood farm. When Mr. O'Kelly first demanded admission to the prison, the official in charge refused re-fused to allow him in on the ground that his commission of the peace had lapsed on the expiration of his term' of office. Subsequently,, however, the governor was sent for, and Mr. O'Kelly admitted. Mr. O'Kelly had been removed re-moved during his late termof .office as chairman of the county council from the commission of the peace, but lie holds that he. could not be so removed for a longer period than such term of office, and that on his re-election to the chair, the lord chancellor has no power to refuse the writ of dedimus, but that he has power to remove him afterwards. aft-erwards. MR. JOHN O'DONNELL, M. P. RELEASE FROM SLIGO JAIL. On the 9th inst.' Mr. John O'Donnell, M-. P., was released, from Sligo jail after the completion of his sentence of three months .under the crimes act. The honorable gentleman, who w-as looking extremely well, was met at the prison gates by Mr. Thomas Flanagan, T. C; Mr. B. McTernan, T. C. (Second North Sligo Executive, United Irish league); Mr. John Conroy, etc. In the evening air. O'Donnell was entertained at dinner at the Imperial hotel by a number of Sligo Nationalists. Mr. John O'Dowd, M. P., occupied the chair, and there was a large company present. Mr. O'Donnell, replying to the toast of his healih, said he was as bold as ever efter his imprisonment, and was prepared to continue the fight against landlordism. From Messrs. Fitzgibbon, Webb and Denis Johnston he brought a message of encouragement. encourage-ment. He was commissioned by them to call on' the tenants to continue the good fight. Mr. John Redmond sent the following follow-ing telegram to Mr. O'Donnell: "On behalf of myself and Irish party, congratulate you on your release, and sincerely hope cruel Imprisonment has not injured your health. We are confident confi-dent it has not impaired your spirit of resistance to nnovflnn tvrannv "REDMOND." MID-TIPPERARY AGITATION. Cashel, June 9. An important conference confer-ence of United Irish League branches was held today at Rossmore creamery, about fifty delegates being present. Mr. Martin O'Dvvyer, Co. C, Hon. Sec. MId-Tipperary exeoutive, presided, and Mr. J. A. O'Sullivan,- organizer, was also present and took part in the conference. con-ference. The extension of the eleven months' grazing system in the district occupied a good part of the proceedings, proceed-ings, and much satisfaction was expressed ex-pressed when a local grazier, who had held eleven months' land for over seven years, attended the meeting and promised to surrender his eleven months' holding, though it had been in the possession of his family for many years before as an agricultural holding. Mr. James Lynam, United Irish league organizer, who. was ordered in the king's bench on April 17 to give bail to be of good behavior or 1n default de-fault to go to prison for six months, was arrested' on Saturday, June 7, at the Broadstone ' station as he alighted from the train,-was conveyed .to Kil-mainham Kil-mainham prison. He was allowed to alight for a- few moments to dispatch a hurried note to his wife. Mr. Ly-nam's Ly-nam's limit of "time for giving bail expired early: in May, and since then he delivered a vigorous speech at a meeting of the United Irish, league in Dublin. He has of late been engaged in furthering the. principles, of the league in : Galway, -and it was on his return from Galway that he was arrested. ar-rested. , |