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Show EUREKA. UTAH. ". Eugene J. Sullivan-, a Trell fcrfoum j young man of Eureka, met a very tragr-J ic death last Sunday. aecifierttaOy ! shooting himself through the abdewieri I with a .3S cahbre T.evorver irhich 1? was cleaning. "At about 3:33 e'eruefc ia the afternoon Mr. Sullivan -rent to hrst), room at his parents home in the souitt- i eastern part of the city and stenetl v ! clean the gun. He was sitting; upo-n th-? I edge of the bed at the time and ic'ia thought that the- revolver -res: charged while he was extracting i5se cartridges. The bullet struck ii'm pJ little to the left and- above ihe rT, i and passed entirely through; the -x$y, embedding itself irt the waif. Jfr, SstfSS van fell forward uonr the- nom after crying out to his father that" foe feaod j been shot. Medical id was; summoned, i but the unfortunate man was-, in sl dition where human assistance crosM nut bring about hts: recovers- prreti f tir ; lingering- until shout :M -fWroofc ha I die-d without regaining; con-sriosizswress-1 for more that a few. seconds a;t a. time. 9 Eugene J. Sullivan- wa-s-. Jl ytssi vS l sce and the- oi of Mr. a-nd Wry. Jofo j Sullivan. He had resided in Eureka j for many yeat -ss anil enjoyed tho friend- f phir of alt who. knew him.. He- xrus a j prominent member of Eurrka, 3Iineire;''J union and alsa of OfiuJrrh kxisei No. 1 A. O. I. W. . The funeraf servfeet? Trtr? (cwwJwtwd! I at tho Catholic church wit TC'ednesds'y ! afternoon and w-re-ttend?d fey a larsr? I number of relatives and frfemfe of iK ! family. The mem cf the. Ifmts5." union and A. U. W- turned oai in hqdy and marched t the City eenetry., " Rev. Father ODwrnhHe p.M ?t s-rrfeifdi'd tribute tt the, memwy of the dox-eased' and the music by the rhoir, asstsled by Messrs. Frank Garity. and 5"rarJt Jltr-ly, Jltr-ly, was xcertiony welf resderpt. Beautiful floral offerings tram h& famiiy and freindsi'and the octiems of -!. which the young- man xcstn a ine'mlwrj , covered the eapfeet. : The rwiina wrel laid to rest to the City eemstery j J |