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Show 1 We are the agents for Deimers Dan- I druff Cure and Hair Tonic. t z $ A guaranteed and positive cure for (laiulriilf. Cnsui-panS-ed as a hair dresr-mg. keeping the scalp J clean at , romoting a luxuriant S growth v. . air. 4 The price is $1.0" for a larre- sized buttle, and the place where it can be obtained is the Y I f. J. HILL DRUG CO. The Family Druggist. Corner Opposite Postoffice. i X BOTH PHONES-541. QUICK DE- LIVERY. t Prepare for sihti at tlm br, in l OrVcVn AL SCO O L, Foundod In 1800. Sticccsaful graduates everywhere. Approved by bar and law colleges. Rerular Law Course. Liberal Terms. Speolal OlfarHow. Catalogue Frea. Spragua Correspondsnce School of Law, 731 Majestic Bids., Dalrolt.Mloh DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU GET X i WHEN i'OU PAY $" FOR A .j. f GILLETTE J. SAFETY RAZOR? J i You practically get forty-two blades, as thin as paper, perfectly j tempered and glass hardened. You ft get twelve double-edged blades J 9 when you purchase the razor; when y these wear out you may return y f them for six new ones, and when f tjr the six ha.ve lost their usefulness, y you may have three more. Fair V enough isn't it? Y C THERE'S NO RAZOR LIKE y f THE GILLETTE, AND WE ARE f THE AGENTS. jt I Where tho Cars Stop I f The Great Prescription f Drug Store. . L M. LAW, FLORIST Successor to Salt Lake Huddart Florai So., 214 East Second South. Telephone 37. Up-to-date and floral artist; always a large stock to "select from. WW www www f ? f wwwwwwwww & Knowing that too much care can- not be exercised in' filing- phy- stclans' prescriptions, we have re- cently fitted up an exclusive E PRESCRIPTION I DEPARTMENT stocked with purest drugs and Y t chemicals. " T Your physician and yourself ar T y invited to call and sea how much X care Is taken with the compound- 2 ing of medicines for your sick folks. X 4 WELCOME STEP IN 1 j I All Cars Start From : OODBE-PITTS DRUG 1 1 ...STORE... Both 'Phones 140 1 I K E h ' - B3SS5gfflk&aSv j ..IEA0ft IN VEHICLES AND HARNESS... l'";r"',:r-'; " v. ; i I THE BEST. ELECTRIC AND GASO- a I LENE AUTOMOBILES MADE j I 157159-16! State St, Salt Lake, Utah. I C. A. QUIGLEY. - - General Manager. ; ; . . If you need anything in the line of bieyclos, it will pay you to t come to ' CARTER'S LEAGUE CYCLE STORE 1 ; Tires at S5.00 per pair The best only. The best wheel. thot ever came to Salt Lake for $25. $ : SPORTING GOODS AT THIS LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. J K Edison Phonographs; Teeords and Blanks. ! Carter's league CfGle Store ! W S. WEST TEMPLE. ' . . .. '," " J ) ... . v . . The Royal Bakery and Cafe 232 South Main. Salt Iike '.'ity. We ship to Idaho. Wyoming, Nevada and all Utah. This tfirsa " Ever 63) 1 BliriMt 1 Made by Machine. Clan and Pure. GEORGE MUELLER, Prop. GREENE & REEVE CO. PLUMBING HEATING VENTILATING j Dealers in Pipe Fitting?. Valves. Hose, Boilers, Boil-ers, Engines. Fire Brick, Sewer Pipe, Etc. 136 SOUTH STATE STREET. Telephone 679. i SALT LAKE CORNICE AND ROOFING WORKS F. A. FAFEK, Proprietor. MANUFACTURER OP COPPER AND - GALVANIZED IRON FRONTS m CORNICES Fireproof Doorm and Shutter. ' Patent Skylights. Window Caps and Fireproof Windows. Tin, Iron and Metallic Roofing. Roof-ing. Ornamental Ceiling. TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK 826 So. State St., Salt Lake City. P. O. Box 253. Telephone 12S8 K. ! va.L" , ; !' ........,,.?Trr I Our Forethought, I Our Pride, h Our Experience, b Our Energies All; Everything- is Sacri- ; j S fieed for the betterment of ' 1 BUSLER'S FLOUR j If there's, a risk, it's ours, not 3 yours; for your grocer willingly f 2 exchanges either way flour for j 4 your money or money for the flour, j tV"? jyM,"""".yyy y '-'""jt"-" im adwawflBtfi -aMifnimiiwmi iiinfca:iiiii imn , mttmM I I Result Was Marrelons. 2 i 591 Chicago A -re., Chicago, Jin, 1904. j j My daughter had the first attack of fita a- ' bout ' - years ago and thaa one about erery six weeks for some time, until they repeated every ; 5 or 6 days. She was treated by 3 physicians without any result, then I gave her Paster Koe-nig's Koe-nig's Nerve Tonic and the effect was marvelous. She had only one more atiack after she took it in 4 months- ! j Mrs. Fr. of Gang. Malvern, O., writes, in Jaa ' nary, 1Q03., about her son, who had the fir't epileptic epi-leptic attack in February. 1902. After he was , treated by our physician our pastor recommended recommend-ed Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic, and since ha takf-s it had no more attack since last October, j and seems to be so moncb better in every ways. ! Fnn- A Valuable Book on Ner- j gl&ags VOUS Diseases and a Sample IL bottle to any address. Poor pa-. pa-. tients also get the msdlcina free. I Prepared by the Rav. Fathbr Kocsio, of Fort ; Wayne, Ind since 1876, and now by the j i KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III j lOO Lake Street M Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottla. 6 for $5. ! Lars Size. $1.75; 6 Bottles for $9. In Salt Lake, by SmithDrusr Co. In Denver, by Soholtz Drug Co. REAL ESTATE ij SALT LAKE CITY. !; ' Five room?, close in; cement -walks Neat 5-room frame, well "JCJO ; built; shade, etc.. only.. I An elesant home. 8-room mod. i-. brirk, furnace. . barn, etc., worth -;f: ?rr sas S450Q : sell thin piece for.... ; SEK REALTT CO. ; 66 W. 2nd South. Both 'phones, 7M. r 4 E. C. Smith. President. Jno. P. Cobb, V. Pres. & Mgr. II. A. Knowles, Treasurer. P. L. Pearl, Secretary, w I NELDEN JUDSON f ! DRUG CO. i .Wholesale Druggists. : 4 P. O. Box CTO.'aJt Lake City. . $ , ; ; 1 E. II. Airis. Pres. R. W. Nicol. Secy ! Salt Lake : j Electric Supply! i Co... i i j Contracting Electricians. Wholesale and Retail Electric ' Supplies. Psr assorted !in of K'.ectric Fix- tures west of C'liicasvJ. ' : ( 'Phone No. 5. !51 MAIN' ST. SALT HKE C1TT. j J I : j The MURRAY MEAT I and LIVE STOCK CO i ' i Office : 330 State St. ! Btock Tarda and Slaughter Hows) calico. 73 S. Main ROCK SPRINGS AND CUMBER" LAND LUMP, NUT AND SLACIC Bell Phone 19K1. Independent. ? Fine Bread and Cake. Baked Fresh Every Day. Vienna Model Bakery and Cafa CHAS. G. SETBOLDT, Proprietor. 19 E. Third South St., SALT LAZE CITY, UTAH. j DO VOL' NEED Stylish Coacdes or Coupes? i -i i for calling? Do you need fine up-to-date carriages with well informed in-formed drivers for visiting friends? Thevery best and latest .styles are at Salt Lake Livery & Transfer Co. 'Phone 211. SAMCAL PAUL, Mgr. j"awBaBBBBBBBj HAZELNUT and EUREKA BRANDS OF BUTTER Made by the Faust Creamery & Supply Co Your griii-cr tau l ihem for you. . aMauaanaBaoBanenaaaaaBsmaaiaaaBH j THE KING HARDWARE fi j STOVE COMPANY Hardware, Cutlery, Tinware, Stoves and Ranges. Mining Supplies. Telephone 748 163 Main Street. ' Kid Brav's Restaurant : OPEN ALL NIGHT. POPULAR PRICES 45 EAST SECOND SODTH ST, ' '' ! Peter Osika, : j Union Merchant Tailor, I PARK CITY, UTAH. j I SUCCESS MARKET :j SCHNEIDER & COMPANY. .1 ,t. DpalPrs in all kinds of .$ t. FRESH. CURED AND ,t ?. SMOKED MEATS. KKESIl .j J. POU'TRY. KRESH AND J ?. CURED FISH. 3 ?. "We make a mmcialty of Lara .j .:. and Sausages, 'telephone 431- .5 I 26 West First South St. 3 j |