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Show KNIGHTS OF "COLUMBUS. At Pocatello, Sunday, Dec. IS, Grand Sir Knight G. Jay Gibson of this city Mill confer the third degree upon sixty candidates, residents of that city, and of Idaho Falls, Montpelier and Glenn's Ferry. -4- Dee. 26. at Salt Lake City, the third dfgree will be conferred on thirty candidates. can-didates. A visiting delegation is expected ex-pected from Ogden to participate. Massachusetts members of the Knights of Columbus are discussing ".;th evident pleasure the recent election elec-tion of Victor J. Dowling to the New Y ork supreme court for a term of fourteen four-teen years and at a salary of $17,500. Judge Dowling is an ex-member of the national board, a past district deputy rnd ex-master of the fourth degree. John F. O'Brien, secretary of state of New York, is also a prominent knight. Lawrence O. Murraj-. first assistant rtcretary of the department of commerce com-merce is another prominent knight. He Mas the first grand knight of Keane council, Washington. - D. C. Word f ines to Boston knights that Archbishop Arch-bishop Harty of Manila has recently rrganized a society of Catholic men, to be known as the Columbian Catholic society. Seventy-five are knights, who "'oined before leaving the United States. The national board is completing preliminary pre-liminary details for the establishment cl the K. of C. in the Philippines and when the charter is granted the society so-ciety formed by Archbishop Harty Mill drop its present name and be formed into a council. |