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Show Titteritiotmtaiti news. I BUTTE, MONT. J One of the most elaborate and enjov- ! abiC sacred concerts ever give in j Butte was held at St. Patricks church I Sunday evening, Dec. 11. Th concert I vas given by the ladies of the Sacred I Heart society under the direction of I Mrs. I-lora B. Rooney and Rev. Father 1 Mcolynn. The object of the conceit 1 was to raise funds to pay the balance j due 011 the altar railing, for which a 1 concert was held last year, but which I iid not quite meet the expenses With j the money that is left after the railing 1 is paid for, a statue cf the Sacred I Heart will be rurchaed and donated I ' lh,p church. The statue will be six Jeet high, and will cost about 5500. I While the entire programme was e- ! iiaiij wen rendered, several of th I numbers were of unusual musical merit" I Ih orpsu solo by Mrs. 'Flora Roonev li Mas particularly enjoyed. The o- . 1 1'iano solo. "Ave Maria." bv Mr Wil li l:am C. Dierks, was possibly the feature j tne Programme and a rare treat I i he other numbers which were worth J more than pasfving mention were- Bas I w.lo. -"Judge Me Not," William Green- I aio1.ii s-lo by Miss Mary H. Carroll! I Umiot s.lo and quartette and a soprano I solo. "O Palutarls," by Mrs. Jack I Thomas. The programme in full was- 1 Organ fcIo, "O Sanclissima" I ' Mrs. Flora B. iloonev 1 Mnsiilin solo, "Cavatina" Mr. Vincent Rooney I Soprano solo. "Ave Maria" (oblicato by Mrs. King).. Mrs. Wm. C. Dierk- I.as solo, "Ju3ge Me Not" ... .William Green iOiin solo, "Second Nocturne" . -iss Mary 11. Carroll J "nor solo and quartette Reuben liobbe, Mjs. Disks'. -Miss Guedelhofer and Rev. Father Van Aiken. Violin duo. "Hosanna" I Mifis Ethl and FrankiV Dillun t-ojirano solo, "u Salutaris" - Mrs-. Jack fhomaa SECOND PART. Forty-sixth Psalm, "God is Our .Refuge,". double quartette Mrs. Dierks. Miss Nevin. Mrs. Smith, 11 Miss Guedelhofer: M'"sk:s. Hcbbsi I Stevnis. Krueger and Martin. I lie-citation and bass solo, "The 11. a-I a-I then Raped" Max Krugr I Chorus, "Tl:e Lord of Hosts''." Choir I 'J'enor solo, "O Coins Hither"...!!.. I lack Thomas i Quartette. "Be Still Tn?n and Kn.uv I That lie Is God" j JIrs. Jack Thomas. Mrs. Rn'iii.'ii I Jlobbs: M-ssrs. Jack Thomas and Max Krugrr. Finale. "The Lord if Hosts Is With ' p Choir Mrs. Flora B. Rooney, organist; Mrs. Jlomman, violinis-te. f : I Mi?s B. C. Walsh, who has been con- I f ned to St. James' hospital for tb past I three weeks, is convalescing. Mis? j - Walsh cxt cts to leave for Columbia j 3'alls, Mont , soon. j Mrs. C. A. O'Brien was the suost of I friends in Billings last week. I 4 I Miss Kittie Sullivan arrivr-d from a I triji to st. Louis and through th Da- I kotas. where she was the guest of rel- I 5: lives. I . ? The ladies of St. Lawrence congrega- i Hon have decided to hold a fair durinr i the first week of March for the benefit I of St. Lawrence church, f -4 I . Simon Lowney, aged 5S. did last I Wednesday moriiiiig at the residence i of his sister. Mrs. Jerry Murphy, at 434 Anaconda road, from intianni.at ion ,f the lungs. Mr. Lowney was bom. in 1 County Cork, Ireland, and came to ' t , Butte thirteen yea'-s ao. ne leaves a mother. Mrs. Lowney. who lives in ; Ireland: three brothers, Michael. John -'1 and Dennis Lowney. r.nd five sisters Mrs. Tim Hurley. Mis. Jerrv Murphy' Mrs. James Collins. Miss Abbie Lownev anrl Miss Marie Lowney. Deceased was single. The funeral was held 'Friday ; afternoon at 2 o'clock at the restd-mVo I !' Mrs. Jerry Murphy. 434 Ar.;:.-o:Jda j raad- Rev. FaUier Unslish couiucted services at St. Mary' church and interment in-terment was In the Catholic cemetery. At the regular meeting of division No. 1. A. O. H.. Centerville, last week, the following, officers .were elected for the ensuing year: John K. O'Rourke, president : M. J. English, vice president; T. J. McCarthy, recording secretary; James J. McCarthy, financial secretary; P. J. Sullivan, treasurer; D. Harrington, Harring-ton, sergeaait-at-arms; John Fox. sentinel; sen-tinel; Thomas Curtis, marshal; Frank E. McDonald, trusteefor three years. . At the Holy Savior church in Meader-ville, Meader-ville, a branch of the "Sodality of the Blessed Virgin was established during the 10 o'clock mass Sunday. The sodality so-dality is attached to the one in Rome. Fifty boys and girls received the ! blessed medals and badges and Father ' Batens. pastor of St. Lawrence church, j delivered the sermon. Rev. Fathers De Siere, Batensv English, Eng-lish, Callahan and Van Aiken of this . city. Administrator Day of Helena and Coopman of Anaconda, left Sunday evening for Dubuque, la., to be present at the consecration of Rt. Rev. John p. Carroll, the newly-appointed bishop of this diocese, which takes place on Dec. 21. Rev. Father McGlynn is busy at work preparing" for the Christmas services at St. Patrick's church, and expects to have a musical programme that will be better than anything that has ever been given in Butte. The choir is now hard at work rehearsing, and everything every-thing will be in shape for Christinas morning, when the first mass is read. Mrs. Flora B. Rooney is assisting Father Fa-ther McGlynn. The ladies of division No. 1, A. O. H.. entertained about 300 of their friends at T. O. G. T. hall last week. The hall was beautifully decorated with carnations carna-tions and smilax and the afternoon passed merrily with songs, music and cards. A very pleasant surprise party was tendered Miss Mary Monaghan at her home. 3 Atlantic street, Meaderville. About two dozen guests enjoyed a jolly evening. HELENA, MONT. William La Salle, father of Mrs. Napoleon Na-poleon Salvail, was found dead in his apartments in the Union Bank & Trust j company's building Saturday morning, and it is supposed that the end came as the result of general debility due to old age. Mr. La Salle was 75 years old. and when last seen, just before retiring Thursday night, complained of not feeling well, but there appeared to-be nothing more serious than a slight attack of indigestion. The deceased de-ceased was an old resident of Montreal. Canada, and came to Helena only last June in the hope that a change of climate cli-mate might benefit his health. He was a man of high character, and those who made his acquaintance here soon learned to appreciate his many excellent excel-lent qualities. While residing in Can-ade. Can-ade. Mr. La Salle engaged in the manufacturing manu-facturing business, but he retired from active pursuits some time ago and had since been living quietly. The relatives rela-tives left by Mr. La Salle are: Mrs. Salvail of this city, a daughter; Leo La Salle. William La Salle and Offe La Salle, of Anaconda," and Dr. T. La Salle of California, sons; Mrs. Joseph Parent of Helena. Mrs. Vanasse of Butte and Mrs. Beauparian of Montreal, Mont-real, sisters, and Godfrey La Salle of Elliston. Mont., a brother. The funeral took place from the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Monday, at 9 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Power have returned re-turned from a visit of several weeks in the east. -- Miss Alice Leahy has closed a very successful term of school near Au gusta and returned to Helena, and ie with her aunt. Mrs. D. J. Meagher, at 102 South Rodney street. --t Dr. T. J. Sullivan, meat and miik inspector for Silver Bow county, was in the city last week. William P. Flynn of Miles City was a guest at the Grand Central last week. MISSOULA, MONT. A deed to all of the property owned b" Senator W. A. Clark in Missoula rid Powell counties made to his son, William A. Clark, jr., was filed here Saturday. The deed was signed hy the st-nator and his wife. Annie E. Clark. Nearly thirty closly typewritten pages were used to describe the properts' conveyed. con-veyed. The significance of the transfer trans-fer can only be surmised in this part f Montana, but by many it is be-l-.eved that the Senator Is disposing of his holdings in this state as completely as possible, and that at the expiration oC his term as United States senator he will retire from the political and industrial indus-trial life of Montana forever. ' Beginning Sunday and continuing for a week, a mission will be held in Saint Navier Catholic- church in this city. The services are to be conducted by Rev. Father P. J. Mulconry, s. J., and Rev. Father T. C. MeKeogh, S. J.. from Spokane. The order of cxerciees will be as follows: 5:30 a. m. Mass arid short instruction. instruc-tion. . S:G0 a. m. Mass and sermon. 4 p. m. Stations of the cross and children's mission. 7 p. m. Instruction for Catholic adults who have not made their first communion, and for non-Catholics." 7:00 p. m. Rosary, sermon, benediction benedic-tion of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Seats to all ; these services will be free and ' Rev. Father "Palladino extends ex-tends a cordial invitation to all. Svheth-or Svheth-or they be Catholics or Protestants. ANACONDA, MONT. At the last! meeting of" the" Woman's Catholic Order of Foresters the following follow-ing officers were elected: Mrs. --Mary O'Donnell, deputy high chief ranger: Mis Mary H. Brennan, past chief ranger; Mrs. Annie Sweeney, chief ranger: Mrs. Lupke. vice chief ranger; Miss Alice L. Mahoney, recording-secretary; Mrs. Mary Wicke. financial secretary; sec-retary; Mrs. Bessie Coffey, treasurer; Mrs. William Kelliher, Mrs. Kate Sphera and Mrs. James Lappin, trustees. trus-tees. CHEYENNE, WYO. (Special Correspondence.) Cheyenne, Dec. 12. Word was received re-ceived here Saturday that Miss Lillian Farrar, formerly of Cheyenne, had died of typhoid fever in Portland. Ore. She was well known here and much regret is felt by ber friends. ' The Misses Kelley'of Minneapolis are visiting in Cheyenne. f The funeral of the late James Brooks was held Thursday forenoon from St. Mary's cathedral. Governor-elect B. B. Brooks will take his seat Jan. 2. This being a holiday, It will not, however, affect the proceedings pro-ceedings of the legislature. The young ladies of the O. F. G. T. gave a very pleasant social and dance Friday night In Woodmen hall. Refreshments Re-freshments were served and every one present had a mosteiijoyable time. The art exhibit for the benefit of the High school was well attended. f- The ladies of the Altar and Rosary society met socially at the home of Mrs. John McCabe on Thursday. The schools of the city will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 21, for a two weeks vacation. Quite a number 'of teachers teach-ers will spend their Christmas out of Cheyenne. |