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Show Okdding Bells. REI N H ARDT-FLAH ERTY. Last Tuesday afternoon at the Cathedral Rt. Rev. Bishop Scanlan united in ' marriage Miss Elizabeth Reinhardt of Kansas City and Thomas J. Flaherty of Butte. The organist played the Ix)hengrin wedding music and "Traumere" during the ceremony, which was made very impressive by the Bishop's words to the young couple. The bride wore a beautiful traveling gown of blue cloth with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. . Flaherty left on "the evening train for a month's visit to Portland after which they will reside in Butte where the groom is a prominent promi-nent business man. The Intermoun-tain Intermoun-tain - Catholic extends wishes for all happiness to attend Mr. Flaherty and his pretty, charming bride. BINTZDALY. The most elaborate wedding of the present season was that of Miss Alberta Al-berta June Bintz. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bintz, and John Clarence Clar-ence Daly, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Daly. The ceremony of the Roman Catholic church was read by Bishop Lawrence Scanlan at 8 o'clock Wednesday, Wednes-day, and was witnessed by only the relatives rel-atives and close friends. Later a large reception was given, from 9 till 11 o'clock, after which the young people left for the coast. - The bride wore a gown of white chiffon chif-fon cloth trimmed with hundreds of yards of real Valenciennes lace. True lovers' knots were used as the design for the decoration of both skirt and bodice, and a long veil of Worth ma-flne ma-flne fastened with oranore blossoms fell to the end of the train. A shower bou quet of brides' roses tied with tulle was carried. Mrs. Leonard was dressed in her bridal gown of white chiffon cloth also, and carried white sweet peas, while the four maids were in white Paris muslin over green taffeta, and their bouquets were pink and white sweet peas. Mrs. Bintz. the mother of the bride, was dressed in a gqwn of violet silk with trimmings of royal purple velvet and real lace, and Mrs. Daly's dress was of rose point de Venice. Many of the most beautiful gowns of the present pres-ent season were seen at the reception. The young people will return in a month from their wedding trip and will be at home after Aug. 15 at 73 F street. |