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Show IMIMELL if Ci j Undertakers and I Embalmers. Metropolitan Hotel Block. 269 S. WEST TEMPLE STREET. j Telephone 530. SALT LAKE CITT- 1 COLOR ARTISTIC SCHEMES. SIGNS. J0 Mo MflLP 25 West 1st South. TVephone 1063. furnisher of First Rate Pafnts Z Painters r ERSKINB BROS. STEFFI s e i JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 53 West First South. Telephone 029-X AN ALL YEAR ATTRACTION. The i Sanitarium Baths"! 5 I $150,000 Bathing Institution. NATURAL HOT SULPHUR WATER, just as It comes from earth, healing all the ailments of mankind. Located in the heart of business district, just a few rods from all hotels. TWO IMMENSE SWIMMING POOLS. ?SS&TE1. All 25 Cents i Only Gents' Turkish Bath in City. Ladies' Turkish Bath. Hairdressing and Manicuring. Chiropody. Finest !n the- City. Open Day and Nioht. THE SANITARIUM BATHS 51-54 West Third South, Salt Lake City, When in Need of SHOES See - obiiisori 1; 124 Main St. ' HpH Tfil I- 11 Ji lin all )' i J L ii Is Produced By What We Eat Lif prolonged by using- founi. healthy fonri. flnod liiearl is thf mo;t. essr'nt ial article of food. You can have t! very i best every day by leb-pnunirj to the MODEL STEAM BAKERY G. A. FPJDEL. IV.rv-i-tor. Ttir-honn 1171'X. i : 1 i! M I ! I II I 11 I IIH $ WW rMY Of imm urE I r Is spent at the dining- table. Ther.; you should j 1 look pleasant, be plaor.t and I'lnred. 5 ' Our line of pilvrr tablvwsire ;.; ..(.is'iuotvc to I pleasure and it i not f-Aiii-i.ivp. '- :;av a r.e-.v j line of both plate; and solid. ar; 1 can ?ui: evry i r. fancy and every purse. j We have also a fine lino of D;:i:rf..'b, Watches J ! and Jewelry j Mail orders filled the day of rcc:?l.t j j JEWELER. j SALT LAKE, UTAH. tyUNVEri. COLO. j Established 1R:'. Mail orders a specialty. J Booklet free by mail, if request-vl. j ; Edward McQurrm I Suites'207-10 Secuvity-Tiuat BuiMiiig. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ! J. F. BENNETT, W. J. BENNETT. Pres. and Mgr. See. ani Treas! Bennett ; ' . Glass f Paint Co, Successors to Sears Glass and Faint Co. 67 West First South- ; 11 Salt Lake City. Carry the largest and most complete stock n the rest. irflT If i m : III I nX''" Is the cn whoTT 1 I I ' .an artistic tailor IT jl A;'v4. Bives style and ela- ' , f p'i.:f:, j.ossib'.y does not " h('" possess without his j$ffty&l'il aid. The swell " k ' TriJ lSPi"1' ' dresser can hava rSt3F hiS ta-Kts fuUy !( fSl gratifi.d hy us in I s IsJr f rK'b' styIi?h ov,r I III a"fT c.h i.i handsome 1 f I colorings. nd i A 1 Pi nw'l" in box. rd- 1 Ml dock. double- ;, brcn.-ted aid 1I7 j 0 A Vt? front styles. a ' JJ k and dreps suits at r reasonable prices. SUITS TO ORDER, $25.00. CALL ON TJS AT 233 MAIN ST. Established 1373 BUCKLE & SON TAILORS AND "WOOLEN DSAPEJ33 "Success is our Motto" If you want good work and best h sanitary results, send for : ; . 1J. FfliRELL HI j Phone 1205-k 335 South Main Street . . jj IlifHI 00$- $ e Bite 8 ;;' jj J'"!b I''rj ''"i'J.W Aptly describes the tender, juicy, fine flavored sirloin 'J ' f 'KiSCf-w steaks we furnish. Lots of other good things in the Q 1 jS 'IVS'W-'-1'' meat line, too--roasts of beef, lamb and mutton: tur- X ' f ' 'l-' i TVii"1 ' ! keys, chickens, game; ham. fresh and cured, etc., etc p . j K;vl Those who know speak well of our meata. You will Q 1 1 if t Ft''' 11 you try them. O : it AVlrk-l trS''-''''-? TELEPHONES- V . -- .;t'V ':v -;:','-i'.4 Office, 134. Order Department, .S , 'tw,.. Order Department, 946. Tard, 201. X ' JSllli. Palace Meat Market, J ! -J.'.r.V'- .N- ; . 1 263-285 SOUTH MAIN STREET." ' '' m i' 1 1 ' THOMAS J. NIPPER, Proprietor. - Q I OCXDCX30COOCCXXCXX j i ! |