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Show Diocese of Boise BOISE CITY. St. Alphonsus Fair Preparations Personal Notes. One of the Sisters at St. Teresa's acatlemy will donate a magnificent vase, valued at $25, to be sold at the St. Alphonsus benefit. At the fair there will be an especially fine collection of ! hand-painted china, executed by the best artists in the city. Mrs. Sfhriher. I a Boise lady, will give a fine tea set. valued at $40. and this, with the vase will be raffled off. The tea set con-I con-I sists of a large tray, tea pot, sugar howl and cream pitcher. Mrs. W. V. Helfrich, Mrs. Dr. Sweet. Mrs. Foust. Miss Shoup and others will also contribute con-tribute small pieces. Miss Angela O'Farrel gave a "hospital "hos-pital tea" for the young ladies, at which plans for the coming St. Alphonsus Al-phonsus bazaar were discussed. Miss Emma Hawley and Miss Stella Her-furth Her-furth assisted in receiving the guests. Mrs. Sarah Jackson, who resides on Eighth street just beyond Fort, underwent un-derwent an operation for cancer at St. Alphonsus hospital a few days since. The operation was a successful one and the lady is recovering. j Dr. McCalla states that Fireman Knox, who lost his leg in the recent railroad accident near Orchard and is now at St. Alphonsus hospital, is steadily stead-ily improving and has excellent chances for recovery. A. H. Tarbet. th ewell known Utah mining man, arrived in the city on Monday morning and has his head-' head-' (fuarters at the Overland. He will re-l re-l main in this vicinity several days in-! in-! vestigating the mining proposition. Mr. Tarbet is an associate with A. W. McCune and is one of the wealthiest wealth-iest mine owners of the west. He is the proprietor of the Smokehouse lode at Butte: the Tarbet syndicate of I mines in California: various mines at Ophir, Utah, and is also interested j largely in British Columbia and South Anv-ri'-a. will rmt liiiss th" min ing outlook of Idaho nutil h-- ha? more thoroughly in vesfigal'-d the s:t ua t ion. Ca pi ta I News. |