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Show : Underwear : Buying is : wjy At Its Height : : -.1 HQ Just S3ow. : L Some are waiting for colder weather, but the prudent men are laving in their stock now and will be prepared for the first cold spell. We're x fitting scores of them out every day and soon our stock wi! begin to show the effects of this heavy selling. "y Better be one of the prepared. Never will you have a better opportun- - 4- itv to Ret what vou want than now. Everything in underwear is here T Cotton Ribbed. Fleece Lined. Heavy Balbriggan. All Wool and Silk Goods. with a price range from $1.00 to J10.00 a suit. I'nion Suits, 51.50 to $7.W. ': ' Flannel Wight Shirts and Pajamas. Just received a new lot, in the prettiest color combinations you ever saw. 4. -a - 'Night Shirts, 73c to $'.50. Pajamas. iind $:J,00. . Boys' Night Shirts, 90c. ! The Siepl Clothing Co., j t 61, 63, 65 Main Street. 4 |