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Show 77 : How SHe Will Dress I Her Feet s Staler In the summer a young clrl s fancy llglitly turns to thought, o; v e shoes It is their eenton. ns regards both fashion and comfort, st r new desKms are shown this car, but nothing Is more popular or nT1 effective than the revival of nn old design. This, first seen Inst summer, reappears In a. more elaborata for. f There were openwork patent-leather shoes a year ago; now we hiv whole Hhoe aae a little bit of foxlns at tho heel and toe, ot the cut t ptnt leather for ordinary wear there la. of course, nothing ,Ul? f the mannlilt low shoo In ctlf or patent-leather affected espccUHy t, J outing girl. Even the ultra outing girl, however, docs not choose to have her boo f too mannish. They nrc a distinctly modified edition of the ,mi " f sported several aeason hick, llrorulng "till distinguishes them, iJ t nd they are still rcatonnbly flat und broid and with considerable 101 f extension The cut gives nn admirable Idea of this sort of boot , i" latest development. In high boots, to which "many women are wmjj even during warm weather, wo find tho name general characterljtw appear upon the 'ow-cuts, t For dress occasions, ttnsulted for slipper wear, there are fine P kid and patent-leather shoes with Louis heeli, medium toes, and n!r brogulng than we have been iied to for footwear ot thla stamp t, " or buttons seem to be a matter of Individual preference, but fotallth" fashion rather inclines to lacing No article on tho shoe subject, a ci!t wlere summer shoes aro concerned, Is complete without sooeitf 4 erence to the passing of the russet shoe. This once favorite vvnrm-weallier nrtlclo 1 now well-nigh extin. Here and there one sees feet sporting It. ery rarely Is it worn vv women The white shoe for walking that not so very long ajo ,,t!? seal of unelegtnce upon many nn ambitious watering place hai . disappeared Mhlte Phoo are now worn only upon suitable occasions for drv. dancing boating or garilen-partlng, and then only by the dalnllnti e women A soiled white shoe Is quite ns bad aa, If not worse than, a iota white glove and, thanks to n turn In tho wheel not ot fashion to popularlt the senshote and mountain landscape are no longer trouble f with it l i iii. |