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Show SMELTER PLANT CLOSED. Lower Works nt Anaconda Completely Complete-ly Shut Down nnd 1600 Men Are Mnde Idle. TRinUNE SPECIAL 1 Anaconda, Mont, April 12 Orders were received today from headquarters for tho complete closing down of the old smelter plant of tho Anacondi Copper Cop-per Mining compnn) The plant Is known us tho 'lower works here, nnl was the ono nrlglnnlly consttucted by Marcus Duly, 'lhu order. It Is thought, has been given becnuso of tho small amount of oro now being lecelvcd fiom tho Amalgamated mines In Butte, Whether therj will bo siifllclent amount of oro for both the, new plants, known aa the Wnshno und the Lower Works, remains to bo seen Tho company s oillclals stated tonight that the orders foi closing came quite unexpectedly, us heretofoia both plunts havo been running on nbout nulf force, and It was thought that this would ho continued until such time as moro oia might bo received Time Is some talk ot tho permanent closing of tho Lower works but this stitement Is denied by the ofllctals of the ioinpan, who declare de-clare that tho order Is cuused by tho lack of ore. About PW laborers nml nillie men weio lliiown out of cmploj-ment cmploj-ment by the shut down |