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Show IELECRAPH SHORTSTOPS. The President has appointed Archbishop Archbish-op Iljan of Phlln klphla i member of Ihe boird of Indian Commissioners Alnrmlng reports of extensive fires burning over a viije area In Prince Georges cnuntv Md have been brouaht to Lpper Marlboro lloads are Impassable Impass-able The President has determined upon the appointment of James S Clarksnn of lono rormcrls 1 Irst Vsslatnnt Pnstmns ter Oensrol to be Siirvejor of Customs of the Port of New ork A convention far the formation of nn International VsMoclntion of Ornamental and Architectural liousesmiths began jesterdny in 1 Ittsburt, Pi. with about IO) delegites In atten Innce At mention! Ii 1 nrl Oirman shot andirobably fatallj woundel his father M I carman during i quarrel our financial affairs Ihe elder Carman owner of the Olenu ml mills The Peileral authorities In Mllwa- eo Intend to demand over I2 0u0in inlicrl tance tnx nn the will of the lite Daniel Wells Jr The est t Is estlmited to he worth llSOiO.iXiO The cnttro tax will be about indiOto By the purchase of the properties of the two larre Indtpendent oll-i reducing linns In Marshall countj V a,, the stand ir I oil rompanj blot ks out the only In It. pendtnt nnd rttnl ilitllne concern In tho State Tho price ill wna TSOCO) The President afti r most careful ln vestlgatlon and henrlng as many men as possible and hiarlng from others has come to the cMiuluslon that tlov Hole a courae has birn such na to nar-tant nar-tant his contlnu into as Oovernor of Jlawall It transpires tl it but two persona were wounded in thi tight nt Bragga in the t hoc law nntlcn wl ru It was reported Kundaj thut f iur nm hud bten killed ind seiaral Injui. I A dozen men qitur-relid qitur-relid over u iiuuntlij of whiskey It la believed the weunelnl men will recover |