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Show THE SAN I0SE SCALE. l'rnctlcal experience In Utah demon-stiated demon-stiated that the best time to fight the San Jose stale Is during the dormint season, and this Is true for scleral reasons rea-sons I'lrst the scnle tnierlng ocr the louse Hint does tho dniinse Is ot such coni.oslilon as to require most caustic notations tn enctrate It The sprnj of lime salt nnd sulphur nnd the .r per cent kerosenn emulsion hio thin far pi.iitn the most clllcnclnua washes lo ap, I) and nelthir of these may be used with safety when the foliage Is on the trees Second the heniy foliage during the grow lug season prcients reaching the brum lies of tho tiee where the Insects nro congregated Ono-llftli the amount nf spra)lng compound will answer when the It ie arc off Another most i otent tenson for walling wall-ing until fall and winter for combatting combat-ting the scale Is thnt then the farmers line moie time and will do moro thorough thor-ough work than during tho bus) fnrm-lug fnrm-lug months It Is for the nboe reasons thnt the Utah HtBlo Hoard of Horticulture has deferred ncllon in the San Joso scale warfaic until the i tesent time During Dur-ing the next nlnet) dijs there will be lgornu pioseiutlou of work against the tnle In Weber nn I Ut ill counties, the onl) two hcctlons ot the State wheie the pest has been located up to thlH date The Hoard of llortlcultuto will use the tinexpcndetl portion of the San Jose stale npproptlatlon In purchasing pur-chasing sprain? mnteilal and super-ilsliig super-ilsliig the work Tho best obtainable apparatus for spralng Ins been pro-lded pro-lded out of the ai proprlntlon. md was in use Inst cnr The State Ilo-ud nf Horticulture will fuinlsh free all nm-tttlal nm-tttlal apparatus and super) Islon nec-ossai) nec-ossai) to siuiessfully combat the scale Those persons who ma) hac I life, li-fe, te I tre.s will be nsked to properl) pi un.) the trees nnd to furnish the labor la-bor ne.cssnr) for pra)ltur This equitable proposition seems to meet the approval of all right minded illlzen who are interested, and the prospects are that the San Jose stale will be prartlmlly annihilated In Utah beforo January 1 1003 |