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Show PROFIT IN FEEDING WHEAT. Frof Luther rotcr formerly tilrec- ; tor of the I'tah experiment station and now president of the New Mexico JVgrl cultural college wiltea a follows on feeillns wheat Tho experiments of different stations, as well u my own oxpeileiKi;, show thut when ptoperly ftd, wheat gie lenulta with all kinds of stock practical practi-cal I) cquul to those produced tjy corn In both Lompobltlon and digestibility It la u pei lor to mm hut It dlfferH from torn In tho fuit that when fed alone stotk will not ent It as well and do not Hoeni to have the same relish foi it, heoiufce It Is too sticky when ground, iidhcilng to the tcUh and gums 'Ihero Is gi eater danger too of overfeeding than with torn but when fed In connection con-nection with other grnln or particular particu-lar with bian there la llttlo dang r of getting the animals off ft til. and all klnda nf stock then seem to like It fully as well hh coin and make equally uh good gains on It In my own experience. experi-ence. I have utility mixed It with brM. half and half l weight, and lima aecured excellent results In experiments 1 conducted a the Utah station wheat, pound for pound pi overt Hupeiior to coin when fed to growing anlmils Ted to thrifty younx plKHt twelve to fifteen pounds of pork w el e secured fi am each bushel of wheat Taking the aveinge of the several sev-eral expciirrents ondutted with hORH of dltfci nt awes and In arlou coudl lions, It required 424 rounds of wheat meal, as compared with 413 pounds of Jcom meal for. loo liouuda' mUu kl humlrsr anil four pounds of wheat msiil nnd linn rnlxr I linlf nnd half inade Iho sami gain It was found best lo grind tin whiat coaise and thin wet It Mllli watir ut the time of folding lathir than soak tho whole main, to Irnure lomplue digestion A hen not ronvonient to uilnd It soaklnK Is lieue-Iklal, lieue-Iklal, hut files do not seem to dlKest It as well nor make as good use of It TiwdlnB wheat in the shiaf as iirai-Iked iirai-Iked b some. Is not eionomliul except ex-cept to lireedlni sioik when on a. light latlon Brleil stated, wheat excels corn In Its digestibility and In the amount of Motrin starches and sugars uhkh It contains and on this m count It lias a higher food alue Tor young animals where growth Is a lonsldeiatlnn of as much or mote Importance than fattening fatten-ing whiut Is the betti-i food but for mature sunk, wheie fattening Is the thief object corn Is hcttei Wheat has been shown by experiment experi-ment to be cquall) as good as corn fJi feeding tome ilasses of stoik and b) Inference, It mn be said to be equal!) good foi all tlassea whan propel I) used If feil alone the following Hints should be obsened i!le a lorj sm ill dally alloi anoe ut the beginning and Inireoso ery gradually to a full ration ra-tion taking gieat (are not to oei-feed, oei-feed, grind loarso for nil ilasses of Block i pt he"i to which It should he fed whole lor bi t r u11h hilinl and mix with bian or tin on of Hi Eialns coin oals or b rl i Hu h a Inlxture will proe superior to any one |