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Show TRAGEDY AT SCOFIELD Justice Holds Marshal and Posse Were Justified. ORDERS THEIR DISCHARGE Decision Meets With Approval nt tho Coal Camp While tho Killing of Baiintck Is Regretted, It Is Bo Hcved the Unfortunate Occurrence Will Have n Salutary Effect on a Class of People Who Have Shown Little Resptrct for Law or Its Representatives. Rep-resentatives. Scftfleld LUh Oct 12 The prellmlnAry hwartntf if Marshal Hunter uiul hi Ihrco tleputlcA who v,tf cmnplnlned nnilnt for the killing of Antony Uartnlck on Hunday mm wtt tonrlutll before Miglmratc llur-HrM llur-HrM it h Int. hour Hutunlnv nlRht Tlie tetlmon terloHd that a row had bieti In profircss Tor nevernl hours nt Ilnrtnlcks during the ria and numerous nftRhlnirn lixd complninel of the bnlB-tf bnlB-tf r u conduct of the party Avnnibled, there Marflml Hunter, uhfn ma kind nn erfort to nrrHt tht purtlcK nas rentBtftl and upon his rrturu Htth a deut ho and hit deputy werf furcd nut of tho liOUPO by the BMembtetl Hln and the Kun of Hunter urtnehed from hts lundR After Ihln Mr Ilunttr Ralliered n ponse of (en r i lht men and warned them of the threitH of the part, and cull went prepHied Tor trouble Admlttanco to Ihi house wb denied the off It i r, and Hi ere Inforimd that If thi forced entrance Ihej would Im killed An entrance waa made through the rear and a number of Ihe deputies went to different dif-ferent rooms In nenrch of the men for whom they hid warrant of arrest Uepu-t Uepu-t Ihomar Nrtlley was th only one com-lin? com-lin? Into contact with HnrtnUk and tho latter nftcr taking two shots nt Nrtlley with his revolver commenced to beat INal-Uy INal-Uy oxer th heal nnd while so ennaRed u member of tho too who was watching thp proteedlnKS throiiRh u window tired u hnt Into tho house to stare Uartnlck off Tho shot had no effect, nnd Mr Danleltt wtnt to the renr and Kalnlmc entrance commanded Ilnrtnlck to stop bentlnc Nal-Ie Nal-Ie Ilirtnlek then turned upon Daniels, when IJiinlclA find Into llarmlck b Bide, the wound cnunlnic death Justice HurKess after nn exhaustive ex-ninlnatlon ex-ninlnatlon of nil the witnesses, found that thn oTIcers were Juitllled, and ordered their dlschnttiC 'the derlnlon of the JuMlce 1 commended commend-ed by the Reneral public, and it I thought that the unfortunate occurrence will opera op-era ti as a let-sou to a numerous class hire who hnhonn II tt lo respect for pfflcers of the law In the past Hevernl months ago while attempting to arrest some boisterous men Marshal Iluntr wa badly beiten up and hi former for-mer experlnco doubtless hid muth lo do with his policy In the orfcanlxitlon of a sufflclrnt popue In the Hartnltk nffutr Mr Hunter Is n, er efficient orfher nnd an old and respected (Itlxen of Sconeld Much s mi a thy ti ft It here for Thomas Nally. the unfortunate deputj who waa so badly wounded b tho hammerlriK gUen htm liy Uartnlck that his recovery la reported re-ported to bo cxceedlngl) doubtful |