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Show BUSINESS IN TOP NOTCH Aside From Fuel Scarcity Every Prospect Pleases. FALL JOBBING TRADE GOOD While Not Bo Active, It Is Hcally Better Than Wns Anticipated Recorders Noto Difficulty of Fulfillment, Ful-fillment, Indicating Lack of Depressing De-pressing Stocks Spring Trade Advices Ad-vices Are Better Than Usual at This Date Uneasiness as to Fuel Supplies Is Widely Noted. New Tork, Oct. 10 nradstrect1? tomorrow to-morrow will say. 'cooler either has brought the coal supply question honK1 to millions of people, ami discussion of this has dwarfed all other matters In the public cje There Is ft possibility, howeer, that the tendency to exaggeration exag-geration may he carried to extremes and that a matter bad enough at best may be made orsc h Injudicious talk Hpeclal lnestlBatlon bs Urndstrect s correspondents at llfty cities nnd Industrial In-dustrial centers east of the Mississippi nnd north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers seem to Indicate that nslde from the damage to general business caused In the coal regions themselves b tha Idleness of 140 000 Industrial worker" the coal strike as yet his been the cause of a much smaller displacement of Industrial workers that Is generally supposed. "Iron smelting Is one of the great Industrie In-dustrie that has been serlousli curtailed, cur-tailed, though brick manufacturing has suffered and snntl band laundries have been crippled Including furnace em plojces ln eastern Pennsjlvanla brick makers In nnd near the Hudson aI1e nnd a lnrge number of coal handlers at tidewater docks not to exceed 20 000 men, or only one-seventh of the number num-ber of actual striker", have been rcn-deied rcn-deied Idle. ' Uneasiness as tn future supplies of fuel ls widely noted, nnd It Is worth mentioning thnt the scnrclty of coke at the West this being entirely distinct dis-tinct from the anthracite shortage and due to car shortage complained of throughout tho entire ear la dlsj lacing lac-ing some Industrial workers In the Iron trade Oil. both crude nnd Illuminating, has advanced In price "In the Northwest general activity reigns In business, with retail trade Improving Im-proving nnd collections nultc ensj On the Pacific coast n general good business bus-iness Is reported Kxport trade la large nnd building nctlvit Is exceptional 'Aside from the fuel scarcity. It mav be truly said that ever) business prospect pros-pect pleases, l'all Jobbing though nec-essirili nec-essirili not so actlvo as earlier. Is reall better than anticipated. Recorders Record-ers note dlinculty of fulllllment, Indicating Indicat-ing lack of depressing stocks. Spring trade advices are better than usual at this date, nnd predictions as to the coming holiday business nre optimistic 'The curtailment of Iron production resulted In a smaller output In September Sep-tember than In previous months, hut of late Ihe domestic output of pig Iron has shown signs of Incieaslng Flour production Is at nbout Its maximum, and demand ls goo 1 Incrensed supplies sup-plies of farm products notabl) cereals, cattle and hogs and raw cotton, have weakened the rrlcs of natural food products during the month of September, Septem-ber, hut manufactured food products like butter, cheese, groceries teas nnd some meats have moved hleher r. l ot all kinds, lendeied scarce by strikers strik-ers and car shortage, advanced hoavllj Tobacco ls higher on shorter yields "Wheat. Including flour exports for the week endlngOctober 9th, aggregate 5 8(3.1 ,9 bushels against 6 7S0 675 last week 4 71M3 this week Inst year and IM.' M In 1900 Wheat exports slm e July 1st aggregate 73 130 493 buhels. against 59 597 SH last season and 51,500 . 5-2 In 19M 'Business failures In the United Mates for tho week ending Thursday October 9th number 170 agnlnst 161 last week and 183 In this week last Sear, 210 in 1900, jot In nii and 333 In 189S In Canada for the week, 20. against II last week," |