Show PLAN GRAND CHAR CHARITY ITY BALL St. St Marks Mark's laI cy t IIo Hospital a He- He dins Kins Arrangements nn A charity ball that It I is hoped will wJ b h oven more elaborate and more successful successful suc suc- cc than was ryas the one last year Is s sL L being planned b by the members members' of St. St Marks Mark's Hospital association us Plans Plaits were d discussed yesterday 3 at t the regular regu- regu leU- leU lai lar meeting of the association and committees appointed Mrs Windsor or V Y Rico Rice Mrs Benjamin C. C Lockwood Dit Mrs I s George Georgc Y T. Wallace Mrs Sol Siegel Mrs Irs W. W Mont Dion Ferr Ferry and Mrs F F. S. S Da com constitute t the he ho committee commit commit- tee lee on arrangements n while Mrs Ir Samuel Samuel Samuel Sam Sam- uel Paul and lira Mr Ed will a wi ill have havo charge of the thc supper The Tho ball will wi be he hen given I tome some om time that In November No In ht II the now new hall hal that I Is being erected by br O. O J. J Salisbury Salsbury in ht Market street sort rind which will twill wi later be used b by Mr Christensen for his dancing academy As the tho date of completing completing- the hall hal Is Indefinite the date of the charity charty ball bail hal cannot be announced as yet yet Mr Mrs Jay Tarvin Harris and Mrs A. A J. J Gorham were named as members members mem mem- bers hers of or a new nets charity committee whose hose dut duty it shall be to look after arel indigent sick and report such cases to the association The Tho meeting at ul which those these matters maters of business were disposed of qC was held Wednesday mornIn mornIng morning morn- morn Ing In at tho Y y 1 1 M. M I C. C C A. A A and was largely attended tion by members of ot the a |