Show NOTICE TO ro USERS RS State Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Sal Lake City Utah Sept 13 1906 10 Notice Is hereby given that L. L L L. L 1 Nunn whose address Is Provo Pro vo vu Utah Ulah has made application In ip accordance accordance ac ac- with wih the tho requirements of or Chapter o Session Laws of or Utah 1 HJ 1903 5 to appropriate six hundred and fifty 6 cubic feet per second of or water from Crom the tho Jordan river Salt Lake Sai count coun coun- t ty Utah Said Sall wat water r will wl be pumped from fron Ulah Utah lake at a I point front from rom which the tIme northwest corner of oC section 25 township G 5 south range 1 west Salt Sl Lako base arid and meridian bears north 4 15 degrees west 77 feet distant from where It will wi be convoyed conveyed to a point from which the Iho south quarter corner of oC section 21 i. i township 5 south range 1 I west wesl Stilt Salt Lake base basc and anc meridian hears north L 22 degrees 10 minutes cast east G feet distant and there discharged Into the Jordan river front from which point il I will wi bo 10 allowed to lo flow fow In the nat nal- ural url channel of or said sid stream to a point from which tho the southwest corner of ot lot 3 3 section 26 township 4 south range 1 west wesl Salt Si Lake Lako base and meridian bears north 87 17 degrees west 2010 2011 00 feet Ceet distant Said Sll water will wi be diverted troll from the tue point last above described and conveyed by means of or a flume fume and pipe pipeline pipeline line lne for fOI a u distance of or 13 1320 feet feel and nd there herc used to lo develop power for the Iho purpose o of electric lighting h heating aUng and propelling machinery at various cities anti and towns In Utah After Artl r havIng having haying hav hay ing been leen so diverted and und used the thea water a wu- aler ten ler will wil be 10 returned to the time natural channel of said stream at a u point front from which the north quarter Cuartel corner of section sec eec tion 15 township 4 I south range 1 I west vest ton Salt Stilt Lake Lako base baso and meridian bears north 21 i lc degrees rees 50 51 r minutes west wesl foci feet distant This application Is i lesi designated designated In the lie State Stale Engineers Engineer's Office Orce as No 92 All Al protests against the tho granting of oC said sid application stating staling the tue reasons must bo lie mado by hy affidavit in duplicate and filed fed In this office within thirty 30 days lays after aCer the completion of this tItle notice of oC the tho publication of CALEB TANNER State Stale Engineer Date of or first publication S Sept pt pt 17 IT 17 Date Dalo of or completion of or publication I Oct Ocl 17 Ij |