Show I IS I'S SOCIETY 1 0 cd- cd The Tue nr first t of or the autumn lings s was isas solemnized last evening at athe atthe he the First Con Congregational church when read the service c r lc 11 Rev Tte c cElmer Elmer I I. I Goshen Goshon Milting in marriage Mi Miss s Pet or Td 1 Howard Eugene Smith S Several Seral eral hundred friends of the young oung people were pr present ent anti and the scene was a l bril brilliant on one White and green were the colors used in decorations ma masses o or of alms I-alms and amid other greens with roses asters and carnations forming an cf of- of fc e background rounel for the bridal parly part par par- am t ly 3 The bride was gowned in white Irish point ma made e en traine with a 3 along long Ions veil She carried canle a a. white ivory bouquet t prayer book and wore a wrist of lilies of the valle valley Miss lIss Dolors l was gowned In pink net over taffeta o of the he same game hue and amid can carried le lea a cm shower r of pirk carnations Shepherd pr presided at the or organ an andas and entered th th n ns as the bridal part party Bridal Chorus from Crom rein Lohengrin rl n. n the tIme r rending reading of or the time service this tin this was changed chanse to Andantino played very ery softly an and as the selvi service the lie strains of the splendid Mendelssohn burst forth F F. F F. Fuller Fullor Full Full- er or of New York was the time best man and the time ushers were S. S S. S St Walter Wilding and Walter Jennens After the ceremony at nt the church and amid a afew members of or the th bridal party part nn few cw close lose friends were driven n to the home of Mr Mi and Mrs Irs M. M L IJ Snow v where a wedding supper slipper was isas served Mr r. r and rs nc Snow were a assisted InT In ir T receiving th the guests ts by Mrs 11 V. V S S. Stephens Mr Ir and Mrs Irs Smith left later for a six visit In iii Boston New York an and other Eastern cities after aCler which the they will wm r return to Salt Sal Lake lako to make multo their heir home S I Miss Florence KImball was the thc hostess hostess hostess hos hos- tess and Mrs Leslie Loring Savage vaCe the guest of or honor at a box par pany at nt tin the Salt Lal Lake e theatre afternoon The flie party occupied two of or the thC stalls and In iii addition to Lo hostess s am and guest of oC honor it included Miss s Bes Bess Miss 1 Mildred McMillan tc Miss Mis Junna Jerum Budd Geddes Miss Eloise Sad Sad- 1 ler 1 Miss 1 Bess McMillan lc Miss Genevieve Genevieve Gene Gene- vieve McCornick Miss Pearl Van Yan Cott Colt Miss Beatrice Cheesman S S S SMi Mr Mi and Mrs rs P. P J. J Quealy of Kemmerer Kern Kem Wyo yo are arc visiting visiting- in tim the the- ell cit city for fot a a. few days guests at tho the Knutsford Knuts- Knuts ford hotel S S Mrs 1 David l A A. Nolson Nelson will entertain at al a Kensington tomorrow afternoon in Iii honor of Miss Helen Burton Durton on one of or the October brides S SS S S S SA A score or more of the friends o or of Mrs Mis W. W Edward Fife enjo enjoyed ed hel her hospitality hospitality hos hos- yesterday afternoon at nt the the- seend sec see nd series erie of bridge teas The decora lions Ions were vere to those of or the previous pre pre- Ious da day and included America Beauty neatH roses and white asters aSler At th the close of oC the game Came prizes were awarded awarded lo to tho the winners at the tho In Individual tables table g. g there being six Sirs Mrs hS David ld Keith Mrs Walter alter Fitch Filch and Miss 1 C a assisted Mrs l Fife S a S Mr trl fl anti and Mrs Irs Louis Gates Cates i left Ct yesterday yes Yf'S for their home In after a days s 's visit with friends heron here her hereon on oil their way ivay home from the lie East where here they have been i visiting Lot for 01 tit the lie ast 1 six Ix weeks Mrs Ir Fred Dern Del will entertain lh th the members o of her club at at- ata a luncheon f fc hewed followed bt b bridge whist n da day day- afternoon t S S Mrs Irs Joh John Reed I Is enjoying a with in iii Ogden i S S S I. I Miss Bess Chandler is down lown from fron Bingham for fOl a few fe lays days visiting wit with friends s. s S S S Mr lr and Mrs Irs J. J J. J D B B have hav gone goito East Easl and arl will be awn away several se weeks I 5 Walter Vatter J. J Beatie has returned to th the tho city after a stay of some somo months 1 In southern California his health havin having been greatly benefited by the change 4 S S Mrs Mis Ida Savage Sa gave gae a 0 re reception a aher at ather ather her home last evening e in iii honor homier o of i 1 Mr Mi r. r and Mrs 1 Clarence Peterson whoso marriage martlage took place at al Provo l Monday Monlay Th The TImO home homo o of Mrs hs Savage o was tas beautified with a profusion o of Mowers pink and white while being beins- the colors col wI col- col ors OS carried out In all the rooms More Mor than pan a hundred guests s were presentS present S S S Mr and Mrs l Sam Porter expect e. U to leave Saturday a for a brief visit in southern California S SS I S S S The faculty of Gordon academy will wil give e a reception this evening at 30 I East Third South street steed The rite hours bonis are arc from 8 to 1030 o o'clock and as st several veral hundred invitations have been jf issued it Is expected that a large number num nuin- ber bel o of friends will wiil during the o J cuing S S S Mr 11 ar and anti Mrs Irs Emmett Moore Ilore entertained en en- very ven delightfully at their home last evening e in honor of or of-Dr of Dr and UmUl Mrs Irs J. J Foster Curtis S S 4 Val Wallace ace Bransford h hit has s gone one East and will be away two or or r three wc weeks l s S 5 Mr and Mrs Mra Ir Peicy Y Nesbitt Browne Browno will entertain this evening in honor honorof of the members of ot 01 Salt Lake Lako High school chool S S S S Mrs Herbert formerly of Salt Lake City but now no residing at Ida Is a n guest of or Mrs Wll- Wll lIam lam 11 n. Hall 08 M street S 5 5 A A. M. M Woolley entertained the m mom mom- meni- meni mo m- m o of the Ninth ward choir at al his home homem on m East Fourth South street last Jast o en oven ovon- ing ng Music and antI gamos games made up irp tho the evenings evening's entertainment which was a pleasant one ono alike for COl host and guests S S Lewis C. C Reilly and antI Miss Rachel Grace Graco Chapman were man married led last Jast light hl at the i residence evidence o of Mr Ir and Mrs Irs W. W r B. B McCartney A lar large e number of or invited guests were wera received etl by Mrs McCartney tho the brides bride's sister and time the wedding service was read lead b by Rev He P. P A. A V. V Simpkin at ot 8 S II p. m. m From Front 8 S to 10 there here was a reception to the bride brido and anti bridegroom h ute use Wwi hand hand- decorated with th palms HI and cut lowers flowers and antI tables tables' were set Met for cor the tIme guests in the tho room dining room and library Mr lr and Mrs Reilly left for Cor or th the North North- west vest last lat night and after their wedIng wedding wed wed- ding Ing trip the they will ivill be at homo home In iii Ho Rock l stand Island III HI lii S. S 5 Robert S. S Decker and amid MIs U Aura Aur M. M Layne ayne were ivere married Jast night at the Ito home ionic of ot Mr Ir and anal Mrs s. Lundberg E East First South street shoot Tho The core- core pony was performed by Rev Ho P P. A SimpkIn at 7 I p. p m. m in tho the presence r ot of f relatives cM ant and anta a ft few Cow of ot t the tio 10 bride ride and arid bridegroom |