Show WHAT IDAHO SENATOR SAID Senator h SP Speaks lk Fairly arid Fearlessly ly I on 11 01 Public Ic Quest Questions bong Republican Special Service Ser Boise Ida Sept 26 Under 26 Under the time caption n leyh Strikes at Mormon Menace l' l the time Sl Salt rake Lake Ile Tribune of or the Instant contains the following belated be be- Jated Special from Boise Senator Sen ator speech delivered del cred at the thc I be-I Columbia Columbia theatre Boise Sept Sept 11 ii VerB Verily we would F say Fay y In passing for an nn electric ago this surprising Special I must surely have passed through tho the I hallowed precincts of or the tho Democratic Holy loly of or Holies in lu the Overland block I lI boarded ardel a slow alow freight rel ht and oozed Into Inlo Salt Sait Sal Lake But nut to the tho Special Ho lie characterized Smiths Smith's testimony tes tes- as revolting and every feature of or his countenance his attitude and amid his voice olce showed shoved the strong feeling ho had hal as to the nauseating character of or S Smiths Smith's t testimony Heyburn's reference to drove conviction to tho the hearts of or his hearers and that Senator Dubols's Duboiss speech a 1 few Cow nights before was not on only 1 scrip scrip- tr trUe e but that he and his lila party were fully uly warranted by the facts In making this the tho paramount paramount para pam mount Is Issue c with the voters o of tho commonwealth o of Idaho In ln the present political campaign No one except a contumacious blatherskite klc who was bent on ml misrepresentation ails mis r representation could b by any possible contortion of e a debased Imagination Lion tion lon I place lace an any such much construction or any such stuck conclusion from Senator Sea Sen ator I burn remarks on the occasion occasion occa occa- sion mentioned This Is ra really I y what the senator said II with his conclusion lon Just exactly tho the opposite from rota that lint above I say without fear Ceal that It I must have disgusted every thinking right person to read the deI defiant de do- I fiant lan language u used el in that testimony against the recognized law Jaw of morality morall- morall ty that lint Is so 80 lear eal to the thc American people But it I does doe not follow Colow that because certain members Including time tho tit head of that thai church hurch had been GuJ guilty of this crime inie against morality and the law that every person who believes in the doctrine of or the time Mormon Mor Mor- 01 mon ama church ChUIch other than polygamous principles shall be prevented from exercising exercising ex ex- the thc rights of citizenship or orhal shall hal be held UI up to disgrace am anti and cub culo bet before re time the world I have o been omon among these people people for man many years and md I have found countless numbers number of them bern In their homes living frugal peaceful industrious respectable lives l es riot not In polygamy but in the love hove of oC their one wife and in iii the love lo e of oC their children Then Senator went want on to say In exact words this In re regard to lo Senator Dubois Idaho's artful lI t-r. t 1 of real live 1 0 political Issues Issues- I Iwas Iwas Iwas was astonished to hear m my colleague in the lie senate call cal attention to this provision in the Constitution the other night and then seem to fan fall to comprehend com coin that lint he had read himself out of ci court court I t see seo men mn m In this audience who sat t with mo inc ro in that in-that that constitutional convention and amid who h helped frame rame this timis provision It I came before a committee commit commit- t tee o of which I was chairman the chairman the Ju Judiciary ju- ju dietary co committee of that thal body bOlh It I was considered there thero as ns to Its legality anI and conformity with the limitations of the Constitution o of tho the United States iu as to the time restraint o of tho ho right of suffrage suf suf- frage rage anti and I see sec other members hero here helo who sat with ith me It I was intended to todo todo I do just what they wanted to 10 do 10 and attempted to do dowhen dowhen dowhen which thc they never ne cr when they had the power It I is only a 0 few yeas years since the tho time when Senator Senator Senator Sena Sena- tor Dubois Dubols wits was elected to the tho senate when thc they timey had hind the power anti and Gril the her majority of ol the administration In Jn this slate to I pu puss s an any ammy law they wanted to hut Cut polygamy did not seem so 10 heinous nn nut offense at that time because It I wa was fl polygamist votes in part palt that elected him m my ray esteemed colleague to the senate These indefinite charges of or re recent recent re- re cent cases casl'S of or polygamous marriages may amy ma maor or may not bo bp true ll thc they reflect who dis discredit ely upon those ha have knowledge of them If I they thy are rot r-ot true hup the they are arc a a foul slander upon the people leople of the time community In which they the H and and they thy can take tale either cither horn ui 1 of or th the tho diemma dilemma If I R Senator tor I Dubois and his followers ran can glean an any satisfaction from these those manly utterances they thy are perfectly welcome mc |